Day 1 of 366- a new beginning

So, I've decided to attempt a new blog/instagram series! It is my aim to post every single day for the next year, reflecting on the day, having a bit of a ramble and leaving you with my thought of the day! I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it up or if I'll even manage to have something to write about every single day but I'm definitely going to give it a good go!

And before anyone says anything, no I haven't got the number of days wrong- this year is a leap year and so there is 366 days instead of 365!

The first day of the new year hasn't been brilliant for me. Due to personal circumstances, I ended up seeing in the new year alone with my two kittens- a first for me. But it gave me time to reflect on the previous year and how well I have done for myself- by myself. And so I had the chance to celebrate me! That's what I have done today! I have made a list of ways to work on myself so I can develop on myself as a person, develop on my career and make 2016 even more incredible than 2015! I've got some big dreams so I'm going to have to work hard, but hopefully it will all pay off and be worth it. 

Thought of the day: Everything happens for a reason. 

How has your day been? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. Love the idea for this new series. Seems really interesting to have a daily peek into your life. Looking forward to reading more :) x

    1. Thanks Rachel- hopefuly I will keep you entertained and you'll enjoy getting more of an insight into my life! x


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