10 best ways of getting through a break up

Sadly, I started 2016 as a single lady, after being in a wonderful relationship for nearly 5 and a half years. Since I was 14 I have been with the same lovely man and we had a brilliant time. Yes there were ups and downs but that's relationships for you. However, things ran their course and now it's all over. I thought I'd share with you all some tips on how to get through a break up in the best way possible- to help myself and some of you too!

1) Don't say things you'll regret.
It's easy to say things you don't mean in a heated argument. My advice? Don't. You may never see or speak to this person again, do you really want things to end on such a bitter note? It will more than likely leave you with regrets later on in life, so just keep things to the point and as civil as you can. 

2) Don't dwell on the past.
Don't dwell on the shoulda coulda woulda's. They will make you feel worse. Just accept that things are over and move on- the past is the past and you can't change it. If you broke up, clearly something wasn't right or wasn't working- and who want's a relationship that is anything less than perfectly happy? No one! Just remember- everything happens for a reason! 

"It's painful to say goodbye to someone that you don't want to let go. But its more painful to ask someone to stay if you know they really want to go."

3) Look good!
Look good, feel good, am I right? Go out and get your nails done, get a new hair do, buy some new clothes! If you look good and feel like you look good, then you will start to feel a teeny tiny bit better, promise.

4) Treat yourself.
It's okay to buy yourself little treats to cheer yourself up as you're bound to feel a bit sad now... I definitely treated myself as I browsed through the Michael Kors store and purchased the make up bag that matched my hand bag and purse! If you're feeling down it's okay to buy some snacks or a new ring- whatever takes your fancy! Make yourself smile.

5) It's okay to mope.
Of course it's not always going to be high's, it will be low's too, but it's perfectly okay to spend those lows with the best kind of company- Ben, Jerry and Bridget Jones! Limit your moping time though- 2 hours a day max!!!

6) Keep yourself busy!
Don't take sick days from school/work, don't skive dates with friends and don't ditch hobbies. Go out, have a laugh and have fun- you'll only feel worse if you sit around moping all day every day. Keeping yourself busy will keep your mind pre occupied on other things and not about the awful ex! Which leads me to point seven...

7) Try something new.
Take up a new hobby, eat at a new restaurant- do something you didn't do with your ex, something for yourself. Bonus points if it's an activity that allows you to meet new people and make new friends! (Potentially meeting a new partner too...!)

"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one"

8) Moan to your friends.
It's important to talk to someone- anyone- about your feelings. Break up's are horrible to go through alone. Make sure you have someone you can go to and have a rant about. Don't worry about boring your friends because if they're true friend's they will be there for you no matter what and won't care about it at all, no matter how many times you say "Why me?" sobbing into their shoulders!

9) Don't jump into another relationship.
Have time and space to just be you. I have been in a relationship since I was 14 so I am using this time as some proper me time, finding out who I am as an individual and growing into my own person, by myself. Give yourself a little breathing space before starting to see someone new.

10) Time heals all wounds.
Cliche but true, it will take time to get over someone you loved. Sometimes it's a matter of weeks, sometimes months and sometimes a lot longer but just know that every day, it will hurt a little less. Every day it will get a little bit better for you. And, in due course, you will move on. Whilst part of you may always love your partner, one day you will find someone new who you love even more- and probably in a different way! Try to remain positive because time truly does heal all wounds. 

If all of these tips fail you, just remember this: If Jennifer Aniston can get over Brad bloody Pitt, then you can get over your average Joe who works at Costa. (Disclaimer- my ex did not work at costa!)

Love from,
Florence Grace 


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