The 9 stages of a break up

Going through a break up is never easy for anyone! Yet somehow, all break ups are the same- the feelings are the same, the actions we do are the same and so no matter how unique you feel your problems and situation to be, believe me, they aren't. Here are the 9 stages of a break up. 

1) Heartbreak.
Of course it feels like your world is ending, your heart is breaking and your life will never be the same. You can't stop crying, you can't eat or sleep and it's literally (what feels like) the worst time of your life.

2) Anger.
Regardless of who ended things with who, you feel angry. Angry with the situation, who did what and words that were said. They should have tried harder, you should have tried harder- why didn't the pair of you try harder? Why aren't they calling you back? Why aren't they fighting for you? Angry questions buzz about like vicious bee's in our brains and things feel pretty ugly.  

3) Regret.
You should have tried harder. You expected too much of them, it isn't fair. Maybe you should make the first move. You miss them and wish they were still in your life. If only you could turn back time and make everything better.

4) Beyonce mode. 
Pfft. Who needs a man, hey? You're a strong, independent woman who has her girls, her career and needs nothing else. If you liked it you should have put a ring on it, bitch!

5) Drunken mess.
You're on a night out with your girls in Beyonce mode and then you hit that vodka and coke that leads you to cross the line from happily drunk to crying mess in the corner...leaving your ex one million drunk texts and voice messages for them to discover in the morning, much to your regret.

6) Rebound mode.
Either before or after the drunken mess you'll come face to face with rebound mode. You'll long to feel wanted, you'll end up being used/using someone. It happens, and it happens to all of us. Get it over and done with quickly and try not to get your heart broken all over again...or break someone else's heart! And remember- your friends will disapprove, cheer for you when it's happened and say "I told you so" when it's over!!!

7) Beyonce Mode 2.0
You've broken down and had a rebound. Now, you know what you want from a partner and what you deserve. You'll maybe relapse to a mini version of stage 2 (anger) before moving on to the next stage...

8) Reminiscent. 
You thought you knew what you wanted, but that's what feelings are for. Screwing you over! Things will feel better- way better than the heartbreak of stage 1! But maybe with your girlfriends over a pizza and romcom something will set you off and you'll feel a little teary. Every time you think of something that links to your ex, you'll tear up. When you see your ex with someone new, you'll feel nothing but regret and everything between the two of you will be remembered as more perfect than it was. Don't be fooled and remember it ended for a reason. Hey, it happens. But that's what friends are for! Let the sadness roll on out of you in the form of miserable tears and then move on. 

9) Over it. 
It will take time but after a while, reminiscing won't hurt, memories with your ex will be thought of as some fond yet distant part of your past and you'll move on- happy and ready to fall in love with someone else! 

Break up's are hard but believe me when I say, the first day is the hardest. It genuinely only gets easier and hurts less. Focus on you, keep doing you and stay happy! The first step is the hardest, but once you realise it's time to move on, you'll start moving in the right direction! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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