A letter to my haters

Dear 'hater's',

I hate the word "haters"- I cringe at having to use it. But there's no other word to describe you. Well, no other noun to describe you with. I can think of several adjectives- sad. Jealous. Lonely. Bitter. Bored. 

But this isn't a hateful message to you all. This is actually a letter of thanks, believe it or not. You continuously try to bring me down with your nastiness and negativity. You try to ruin my achievements, my happiness, my success. You clearly think that you play such a large role in my life that you will actually make some kind of impact on me. And yes, sometimes you do. Sometimes I see what you're saying and I do want to quit and give up on what I'm doing. But more often than not, you spur me on and encourage me to be better. 

I can turn all of your negative comments into constructive criticism to improve my writing, to more eloquently express my opinions. I grow more and more thick skinned with the more ridiculous things that are flung at me. Furthermore, I'm an incredibly proud and stubborn person- when you all try to tell me how bad I am at this, that and the other, I only work harder in order to prove you wrong. Oh, and show the world what a moron you are. When I succeed, I hope you know that it's partially down to you and your amazing ability to motivate me via your "hate". 

I really do pity you, all you "hater's". All of your lives must be so boring if you have nothing better to do than sit and seemingly obsess over mine, analysing my every move. You all claim to hate me, despise me, find me ridiculous or a joke and yet you are the first to pass comments on my blog posts- which means you are the first to read them. You're the first to respond to my tweets- meaning you're the first to see them. You mock my instagram photos- but it means you're the first to view them. You hate me so much yet you are always up to date with my social media feeds, 24/7. You all hate me so much yet you can't leave my life alone...my only conclusion is that all of your lives are no where near as exciting and fulfilling as mine and so all you can do is sit and follow mine as closely as you all seem to do. If you know everything about me, are you a "hater"? Or are you a fan

"Hater's", you also make me as successful as I am. When you blog about me, tweet about me and post about me, you spread my name. You direct people to my page. You direct people to my blog, my magazine columns, my social media feeds. They analyse them for themselves and suddenly they realise that actually, I'm an okay person who is good at what she does. How do I know this? Because every time it happens I get a message saying they were directed to my page by someone bitching about me, but actually, they love my blog/column and other similar messages. 

The more you spread my name around, the bigger my following becomes, the more people I can share my passion and work with and the more you, you "hater's", help me. 

So keep tweeting about me darling "hater's". Keep ranting, posting indirect photo's and tweets and blog posts. You keep doing you. But I'm going to keep doing me. And that means that I'm going to stay being pretty damn fabulous. 

Maybe one day your lives will become a little more exciting and you won't have to spend all your days following mine...but until then... enjoy my little cherubs. I have so much more to come!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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  1. Love this post flo. Well done for letting them spur you on. You have been a blogger that I have followed over the last 10 months and I really enjoy reading your views.

    1. Thanks lovely, glad you've enjoyed it! The funniest part...a hater then responded to this post lol!!! I'm so grateful for your support, I really appreciate it! x

  2. "Haters are my motivators." :D



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