10 things you'll only know if you're an entrepreneur

Nowadays it's easier than ever to try and start your own business. Everyday people create online stores selling easily designed goods thanks to sites such as Vista Print, where you can bulk buy unique products and personalise them with ease for a pretty decent rate. Of course, not all businesses survive, because whilst it's easier than ever to start a business, it hasn't really got any easier to run one. I run a business myself, my magazine "Love from...", and I can tell you it is far from easy. People never understand the situation you're in as an entrepreneur, so I've compiled a list to help you out. Show this to anyone who questions your motives or just "doesn't get it". Here's 10 things you'll only know if you're an entrepreneur. 

1) You don't always get to quit your job straight away.
Whilst you want your job to be your main career and your main source of income, it's definitely not always possible for this to be a real thing. A lot of the time, you'll have to hold down numerous jobs at once in order to still make a living- and that's totally okay. Well, it might not be okay if you hate your job and just want to be working from home, doing your thing but you get it. On average, it can take up to three years for a business to really take off, and up to four years for it to break even, so don't be too hard on yourself- and don't let anyone else be too hard on you either! 

2) All work and no play...gets your business off of the ground.
You'll spend your Friday nights skipping drinks so you can carry on hustling, your weekends grinding so that you can still make sure you're going places. But it won't matter. When you're a successful CEO in a few years time whilst your friends are still in their bog standard jobs, you won't mind because it will all be worth it. 

3) There will be a lot of highs but a lot of lows too.
You made your first sale, YAY. You don't sell anything for the next two weeks. Oh. It's a constant cycle of up's and down's when you're running your own business. It's key to not let the lows drag you down too much. Just keep focusing on those highs. You'll get there.

4) Real friends won't ask for discount.
The friends who ask for "mates rates" are not your friends. Why? Because real friends would want to support you business and watch it grow and so would be happy to pay for whatever product or service you are providing. Simple as.

5) Time management is your best friend.
You will have a crazy schedule and only sleep for four hours a day because running a business is literally a lifestyle choice and that means dedicating all of your time to it. People will criticize your lifestyle but how you manage your time is up to you and no one else. If you're happy, healthy and making moves, keep doing your thing.

6) People won't always take you seriously.
And this gets worse the older you get and/or the longer you've been running your business. Lines such as "don't you think it's time you got a real job now?" are no appreciated and are better off left unsaid. True supporters won't even think like that anyway, because they'll be rooting for you.

7) Setting goals is so important. 
It's easy to lose motivation, especially if you're going through a bit of a dry period and everything seems to have slowed down. Keep focused on your goals, be that via a list you've written or a mood board you've created. Having something to stay focused on at all times is incredibly important. 

8) Surround yourself with good people if you want to succeed.
Cut off anyone lazy, unambitious and negative. You are the people you surround you with and if the people around you aren't ambitious, motivated or creative they will ruin those streaks in you and bring you right down. Make sure you have a great support circle around you and remember, quality not quantity. 

9) Joining a pyramid scheme does not count as running your own business.
Sorry Vemma, Juice plus gals, Younique Beauty and all of the rest. You're not running a business. You're part of a scheme that will eventually fail. Don't compare yourself to us real entrepreneurs. 

10) Everything is worth it.
The people you lose, the sacrifices you make, forever being poor until you turn over your first profit, the long days and sleepless nights, the missed parties and social gatherings...all of it is worth it when you know that ultimately you're doing what you love and building an amazing future for yourself. Boom. 

Are you an entrepreneur? Let me know if you agree with my list in the comments below! Is there anything you'd add? 

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I totally agree! It's challenging at first but in the end it's worth it! And surrounding yourself with good people who support you is always a good idea.

    And yes, pyramid schemes are shitty and exploitative.


    1. It definitely is- the end result shows that all of the hard work is definitely worth it!

      Haha definitely, glad you agree!


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