Happy birthday BJ!

If Ben were a singer, he'd be a "one to watch". You know what I mean- you enjoy their music but they never get the recognition that they deserve? Someone way more mainstream always gets in the way. 

Ben is like that. 

That sounds kind of insulting if you read it the wrong way, but it's not meant to be! What I mean to say is that he's a genuinely nice guy (although I'd never tell him that to his face!), he'll do pretty much anything for anyone (even giving away his beloved Dorito's to people he isn't too fond of...) but he's such a quiet guy that just seems to blend into the background. I hate this because so often I don't appreciate what a fab friend he has been to me for the short time that we have been besties, simply because I'm too busy ignoring him waffle on about Coldplay or football or something else equally as uninteresting. 

So Ben- as part of your birthday present, given that your's got so messed up and is now delayed (sorry again), here's why I think you're such a fab person and why I'm so glad to have you as 1/4 of my little group of BFF's!

  • Sometimes, you're funny. I won't go as far to say always, because that would be lying. But whether it's due to your naivety, your stupidity or your genuine good sense of humour, you do actually make me laugh quite a bit- especially over the last month when I have needed it most and especially on Friday when you were such a dingbat all day long. 
  • You have never once been mean to me. I'm mean to everyone. Seriously. Everyone. It's just the way I treat people I really like, and I never intend to hurt feelings, it's all just banter, which I hope you know! Anyway, whilst you have on the odd occasion tried to reciprocate the banter, you've never been mean to me and that is exactly the kind of friend I need. Someone who takes my abuse but gives me nothing but kindness YAY. 
  • You love original Dorito's almost as much as me. 
  • You don't brag about yourself or your achievements or your talents- e.g. "Oh yeah, I play guitar", just a year down the line of our friendship. No one likes a brag or a show off so yeah, points to you for that one. 
  • You read my tweets and actually pay attention to what I say in order to have a nice backlog of future conversation options. Nice one.
  • You're always willing to help me out- with my website (still waiting though...) and with this up coming concert and that's something I really appreciate. 
  • Ricarda is going out with you, so we have to be friends.

Sorry, I couldn't resist that last one- had to get some banter in there somewhere, BJ! Seriously though, I'm going to have to draw the line there. The general gist of it is, thanks for being such a fab best friend- I would be lost without you, Alec and Ricarda. Happy 20th birthday BJ, I hope you have the best day and that Ricarda spoils you rotten! Sorry again about your late present but hopefully it will be worth it and hopefully this makes up for it! 

Florence :) 

(p.s. I can sense the "Oh I see Ben gets a blog post" and "where was my birthday post?" messages coming from Carda and Alec...guys yours will be better because I have until the summer to write them!!! Hehe)


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