The importance of self love- and why its okay to love yourself!

Females seem to really struggle when it comes to accepting and loving themselves. What with peer pressure, puberty problems and the media constantly thrusting different- and usually impossible- body ideals down our throats, it can be difficult to allow ourselves to love ourselves for who we are and be happy with the people we are. So that's why it's great when a girl finally is able to love herself and embrace the wonderful woman that she is!

Why is it then that some girls are so determined on hating on other girls who have found peace with themselves? Why do girls hate other girls who love themselves? 

Could it be that you don't love yourself and so feel a little insecure about someone who is able to do what you aren't? It is similar to my thought's on why people can't support the success of others when I think about why women can't support other women who love themselves. It's nasty and cruel to try and bring someone down just because you think they don't 'deserve' to feel that way, or achieve what they have. Let me place a few fairly obvious facts on the table for you:

  • It is okay, as a woman, to love yourself.
  • It is okay to want to change parts of yourself to love yourself, as long as you do so in a healthy way e.g. lose weight or get a hair cut.
  • It is okay not to love yourself- because hopefully eventually you will!

Want to know what's not okay? Tearing down a woman who loves herself to try and make her stop loving herself!!! 

A woman who loves herself, is sure of herself and is confident about the person she is is not vain or conceited or narcissistic! She's just confident in who she is, how she looks and how she lives her life and there is nothing- NOTHING- wrong with that!

Girls seriously need to stop hating on one another. I can happily say that whilst I would like to lose a little weight, I do love myself. I have several jobs in which I am successful, I have some really great achievements under my belt, I like how I look, my fashion sense and the person that I am and I will not apologise for that. Why? Because it is okay to love yourself. And I love myself!

If you never fall in love with anyone again, make sure you fall in love with yourself. Screw any other person- especially an insecure female who doesn't love herself- who tries to make you doubt yourself. If you love yourself, great! If you don't, don't worry! You'll get there. But don't let any one tell you that loving yourself is negative in any kind of way. It really, really isn't. 

Love from,
Florence Grace 

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  1. I think it's safe to say we agree on that point, Chichi!


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