The importance of good company

I have had the day from hell. I don't really want to talk about it, at all. However there is one thing that has come out of it that I do want to talk about, and that is the importance of having good friends. Without good friends, there would be no way I'd be getting through what I am going through right now. I may not have many friends but as they say, quality not quantity, and for me that is so true. Whilst I can count my good friends on one hand, they are all superstars. They are saying the right things, looking after me and making me laugh. I couldn't get through this without them.

It's amazing how medicinal laughing can be. After a night out with some of my girlfriend's tonight, for an hour or two, I forgot everything that was going on in my life, I had fun and had a laugh. It felt really good and for a while I was genuinely happy. I hope that feeling sticks around a little longer. 

My friends know who they are (at least, I hope they do!) so I won't list them all and name them, but this is a big, massive thank you to them. I wouldn't be anywhere without you right now. 

Take some time tonight to thank your friend's and tell them how much you appreciate them- it will definitely put a smile on their face! 

Love from,
Florence Grace

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