Do you love your job?

Life is so much better when you enjoy what you're doing, am I right? I can quite easily say I am so happy with what I do. Running a magazine? Great! Freelance writing? Fab! Writing for people here, there and everywhere? Love it! 

However, I also have a retail job on the side to assist with my income. I work at my local Topshop and I really do love it! I was so worried about working there at first- I'm not pretty or skinny and don't look like a model as most Topshop employees do, and I struggle to get on with girls which I thought might mean work would have a bitchy environment. I couldn't have been more wrong though!

I don't worry about how I look or who I am when I'm at work because the girls all make me feel so welcome there! They have all become good friends of mine, they have all been there for me in my hour of need, listened to me rant, made me laugh and cheered me up as well as supporting me so that I can do my job well. I couldn't appreciate them more!

I genuinely wake up everyday looking forward to working...I might whinge about long hours or early starts but deep down, I'm happy! I love my job and what I do and have so much fun whilst I'm doing it- most importantly of all I love the girls that  I work with. I don't think I'd enjoy my job half as much without them.

Life is too short to be stuck where you're unhappy. If you don't like your job, or fancy a new career, move on! You're not tied down, shackled to your current place of employment. Go and pursue what makes you happy! Be surrounded with good people doing what you enjoy- it's the least you deserve! Life. Is. Too. Short. 

How do you feel about your job? Love working or hate it?

Love from,
Florence Grace 

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  1. I'm genuinely so happy for you, from this post you seem so content and happy right now, it's where I aim to be.
    I'm currently working on changing my current situation, just got to make decisions but can't wait until I have, I don't like having this hanging over me!
    Amy at

    1. Thank you so much, Amy! I hope you manage to get out of your situation and into a new, happier one soon!

  2. This is why I want a successful career in something I love that makes me happy. So many people are stuck in jobs where they are so unhappy, and I would hate to be in that position. I want to have a career that allows me to be happy, pursue my passions, grow and thrive.



    1. Good luck in finding a job you adore! I hope it happens sooner rather than later! x

    2. Thank you! I will graduate university later this year, so hopefully I will be able to kick-start my career after that! :)

    3. Good luck! Let me know how it goes!


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