Dear Cosmo... you're wrong.

On the morning of 24th January 2016, members of the blogging world were disturbed from their Sunday morning slumber by the irritating and totally ignorant views of none other than Cosmopolitan magazine. Publishing a piece named "15 things you should know before dating a girl who blogs", Cosmo managed to insult pretty much every member of the blogging community in 0.5 seconds. Well done, Cosmo.

The list of 15 things was so insulting but if you really wish to read it you can find it here (God I hate to give them those extra, undeserved post views).

The post hasn't just insulted "real" bloggers, such as myself, but it has also once again created this completely ridiculous and wrong view of who bloggers are and what we do! Let's start with the constant reference to the "freebies" we apparently receive all of the time. First of all, I don't know any ordinary blogger who isn't on the same level as Zoella that receives freebies all of the time. Secondly, when we do receive freebies it's because we have worked out butts off to produce continuously good content that has caught the eye of a certain brand, leading them to want to work with us. Thirdly, nothing is a "freebie" because we actually have to use the freebie, photograph it and then spend time writing up a post that is of the standard the brand who sent the freebie to us would appreciate. So when you take into consideration the hard work that follows the receiving of said freebie, it actually turns out not to be free at all.

The reference to us competing against other bloggers also got my gears grinding a bit- whilst yes, we technically do compete for the attention of brands and businesses, to get the most views or to produce the most unique content, the list made out that all bloggers were extremely malicious about it! Not at all! The blogging community is absolutely wonderful, so supportive and lovely towards one another, I have never felt the urge to read someone's post and pick it to pieces, be negative about it or towards the writer and not show any kind of love to someone's post that I did enjoy- I will always favourite or retweet posts that I love! I won't read them in secret and see them as competition! (Oh and just as a side note, Cosmo, you based this all on females...there are a lot of male bloggers around too you know!)

Furthermore, saying that we sit around in our pyjamas covered in crumbs. Um, excuse me? A huge portion of bloggers are fashion bloggers, you think they sit in bed covered in crumbs? Really? I do spend a lot of time in my bed, yes, but rarely in my pyjamas or covered in crumbs! I found that a really hurtful point, as it made bloggers out to be recluses who don't do anything outside of blogging and hide away from life! I love to go out and dress up, I love wearing sparkly things, I have jobs outside of blogging that require me leaving bed...need I say more?

The coffee reference needs to stop too. I hate coffee- and all warm drinks for that matter- and would much rather have a milkshake or glass of champagne (which by the way, Cosmo, is rarely provided at a blogging event...which blogging events have you been to? Cosmo blog awards? Is that all? I see.).

I could go on and on tearing that Cosmo list apart but I feel I may have made my general point- that it was insulting and incredibly ignorant about who real bloggers are and what we actually are like. Sure, I love to write a lot, I am obsessed with social media and I do sometimes spend entire day's in bed- but I also love parties, I like to eat at good restaurants and sing at the top of my voice even though I'm no good at it. There is so much more to bloggers than Cosmo has portrayed there to be. We're all people with unique personalities, and I for one have never met a blogger like the one Cosmo described.

Love from,
Florence Grace

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  1. Well said hun!!! You wouldn't catch Glamour magazine doing this!! Bravo xxx

    1. Thank you...wouldn't catch Love from... doing it either! xxx

  2. Hear hear! That article was so stupid!


  3. Wow, I didn't know this article existed! As you said it is really insulting, especially the notion that bloggers stay in their pyjamas all day, I'm a full time blogger while I try and build up my freelance writing portfolio and I'm rarely in my pyjamas - I think it's such an outdated idea of what a blogger does from an outdated media *rant over, sorry!*

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x


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