Coming off the pill!

Mum and Dad- this is a very TMI and personal post with some minor details about my sex life so if you don't wanna see that, stop reading HERE. (lols)

I think I have come to the decision that in 2017 I will be coming off of the contraceptive pill.

There, I said it! I never thought I would be making that decision- I really enjoy all the benefits of being on the pill! I don't always have to use condoms which saves money (and feels better let's not lie), I can skip periods if I have a big event or holiday coming up for convenience and I can have lighter periods. What's not to like?

Well, to be honest, there's a lot of negative side affects too, which I hadn't really even thought about until I began doing more research, inspired by the likes of Tara from Cattitude and Co.  I realised it can cause the headaches I sometimes have, can contribute to the excessive bloating I sometimes get when I eat and also be preventing me from losing as much weight as I would like to. In addition to this, it's not healthy to be having "fake periods" so to speak, which is what my pill, Microgynon, does.

On top of all this, I've been on the pill for around five years without even realising (where the heck has that time gone!), and that is an incredibly long time! When I started the pill aged 15/16, I didn't have much of an idea about which pill was right for me, which contraceptive method was right for me...I just went for what seemed easiest! So it's probably about time for a change.

The reason I'm prolonging coming off of the pill is that I have my 21st birthday coming up for which I'm having three different celebrations, then there's party season, Christmas and New Year. I don't really want to be on my period for all of them, or any of them! So I'll be using my pill to control my cycle for the remainder of the year and then I'll be coming off.

I'm kind of dreading starting 'normal' period's again but also kind of not. I think it will be good to allow my body to readjust back to it's natural way of menstruating and to have a natural period again. And sure, it might be inconvenient to bleed whilst on holiday but there are alternatives I can use that will allow me to still get in a bikini and chill in a pool, such as tampons and moon cups (again the latter was learnt about from Tara!). It doesn't have to be a struggle with a hefty sanitary pad like I feel it will be.

My question to you guys is: have any of you come off of the pill, particularly Microgynon? What was it like? Where there any issues, such as bleeding for a long period of time as your body adjusted or random periods? I'd love to hear some 'real life' stories to help me out!

I'm a little nervous about this change, sure, but I think it's long overdue.

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I never want to come off the pill for convenience, but I do feel that it's better for my body in the long run! When you do start normal periods again, I'd recommend trying a diva cup, as they're safer, more eco friendly, you save money on sanitary items, and apparently they even reduce cramps. I've got one stashed in a drawer in case I should ever need it!

    1. That's where I'm torn, because the pill IS so, so convenient for me! I've never heard of a diva cup so I shall definitely look into that, thank you!

  2. Sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to comment about my experience. Well I came of the Microgynon and to be honest, it was hell. But I have heard some good stories from friends as well. I think it depends on how heavy your periods were before you started the pill. I started when I was 13 because my period was just hell. It lasted a minimum of 8 days (my record is 15.5), I had terrible pain in my stomach, head and back, had to throw up almost every day. It was also very irregular, sometimes 2 months sometimes 2 weeks. The pill really was my savior.
    I quit about a year ago, because I heard such good stories from friends that quit. The first period I had after quitting was terrible again. No throwing up, but a lot more pain and blood compared to my period on the pill. I also had the "common stopping symptoms" like more emotional, headache and stuff. My periods became very irregular, mostly in the amount of blood. I could have 4 hours where I just lost 3 drops and then having to change my tampon within a half our because my body had a little blood exorcism down my uterus or something. I know there is a regulation period, so I stuck with it for 8 months. It did not get better unfortunately so since 3 months I am back on the pill again. Not ideal, but I'd rather the downsides from the pill with the ability to regulate my period. I tried the Mirena (IUD with some hormones) and that was nice until it started to cause terrible cramps as well.
    So, not a very positive experience, sorry! Be prepared for a sort of detox period. I hope you have a better experience then I had!

    1. Eeek that all sounds very scary! I think I'm definitely going to come off of it at the end of my pack, but if my experience is half as bad as yours I will be straight back on it again!

  3. Well done for taking the first step! :)

    I think ultimately everyone differs, but the first three will probably be quite heavy and more painful than you're used to. It'll seem like the worst decision you've ever made, but you gotta try ride it out if you want to come off the pill. It's tempting to jump right back in, but it was worth riding it out in the end for me.

    Just remember there are a ton of alternative menstrual products out there + you can message me anytime if you need questions answered!

    p.s. thanks for the shoutout!

    1. Thank you! Yes most people are saying the same thing about the first three months, so I'm kind of dreading it a bit but I think it will be the best!

      No problem, always looking to your blogs and vlogs for inspo!


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