#SeptemberStudies- Diary do's and dont's!

Diaries will save your life. I am not even kidding. Whenever I went stationery shopping I lusted over diaries, spending hours finding the perfect one. I would customise the 'homework diaries' school gave out- and I had them with me all the time. I made note of everything I had to do and when I had to do it, I colour coded things, wrote in different coloured pens...the whole shebang. What I'm saying is this; you need a diary. And, as with most things, there are some do's and dont's to follow. So listen up!

Do get a big enough diary. I don't care if you think smaller is better, it isn't. You need a diary that has enough space for you to write about all the things you need to do that day, and those tiny a6 one's just don't work. Week to view pages work the best (in my opinion anyway!)

Don't treat a diary like a chore. Your diary is your best friend now, okay? Treat it nicely. Fill it in when necessary. Don't neglect it.

Do pick a diary that is right for you! Obviously if you like plain diaries that's cool, but there's so many different graphics, patterns and designs you can choose from! Go crazy!

Don't go to Smiths to find your dream diary. Well, you can go there, but what I'm trying to say is make sure you shop around! There are so many stationery stores and so many stores that don't sell stationery specifically but do sell great diaries! Some inclue Tiger, Wilkinson, Paperchase, John Lewis, Scribbler, Smiggle, Blott, even online stores like Etsy! Have a good browse around first.

Do check your diary regularly throughout the day, in case you forget things! Check in the morning, at lunch and at the end of your day to keep up to date with all you need to do!

Don't use your diary for a week and then forget about it. Keep it somewhere you won't forget about it, e.g. in a handbag and get into the habit of using it so often that you can't forget about it!

What diary tips would you share with someone if you could? Let us all know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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