#SeptemberStudies- I hate school!

School, college or uni; some people love it and some people absolutely hate it.

If you find you're in the latter and you absolutely hate it, then all I can say to that is tough luck. You have to be in education until you're 18 whether you like it or not.

Luckily for you, there's some ways you can get through the seemingly long school days...

Move to college when you're 16
Once you've finished your GCSE's, you don't have to stay at school in the same old routine. You can move to a college, where everything is far more relaxed. Everyone I know who made the move from school to college enjoyed it a lot more so this is definitely an option to be considered if you're fed up of school!

Plan your future
If you make plans for after you've finished with school e.g. plan an apprenticeship or plan which uni you want to go to, this gives you something to a) want to work for and b) look forward to! This can make your school days feel more worthwhile and make them pass a bit more quickly too!

Make plans for after school and the weekend
Similarly to planning your future, making exciting plans for after school and the weekend will help you get through the day more quickly as you'll have something fun to look forward to! It could be something as simple as walking the dog with your friend or going to an extra curricular activity, as long as it makes you happy it should help you get through the day!

Remember it's not forever!
School really will be over before you know it and you'll be an independent adult in the big, wide world! No more hanging out with your friends at school all day every day! Now you'll struggle to maintain a social life at all while you try to earn a living and build a life for yourself! (I make it sound quite horrific- it's really not that bad but school is a luxury in comparison!) However, if you really don't enjoy school, you can relish in the fact that it really will be over soon.

Do you love or hate school? If you hate school, how do you get through the day? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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