#SeptemberStudies- BE HAPPY

Today is the final day of September (for real?!) and so that means it's the last day in my recent blog series, #SeptemberStudies.

I've written about a lot of different topics relating to school, work, uni and college over the last month. I've written about furthering your career while at school, how to balance a social life with your studies, the importance of using a diary, school bag essentials and a multitude of other things. I've tried to write about all alternatives for students, writing about GCSE's and A Levels, going to uni, going to college, going straight into work, doing internships and doing work experience placements too. I've tried to keep this series as open to as many people as possible.

But all of that doesn't matter when it really comes down to it. It doesn't matter where you go after you've finished with school or what you choose to do as long as you are doing one thing: Being happy. 

Because really, what's the point in doing anything if you aren't happy? If you go to university to study a course your parents have chosen for you, you won't be happy! If you follow your friends and copy their decisions in terms of education or work, you won't be happy. In order to be well and truly happy, you must do exactly what is right for you, do exactly what you want to do! 

Don't let your friends, teachers, colleagues or family dictate to you what you should be doing. Yes, sure, take advice from them and follow their guidance. But don't let them make decisions for you. Don't put your future into their hands. No matter how scary it might seem, you must make the decisions about your future. If you mess up, so what? Try something different, start again. Life is for living and making mistakes and big decisions and endless choices is all apart of that. 

As Drake sings, "Everybody dies but not everybody lives". Life is too short to be doing what everyone else wants you to do. Make your own choices, do whats right for you and make sure that you are happy

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. YEP! Life lesson learned!



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