#SeptemberStudies- Tips for studying online

An education option that is often forgotten about is studying online. Currently, I'm studying an NCTJ Diploma in Magazine Journalism online so that I could continue to pursue my media career whilst still gaining an additional qualification. There are lots of benefits to studying online:

  • It's cheaper than university. My course cost just £345- however my lovely Dad was kind enough to pay for it for me! However, there is no denying that this is a lot cheaper than university. 
  • It's flexible. If you need to work, or perhaps you're a parent, studying online is a great way to balance your busy lifestyle with your studies as you can literally do it in your own time, whenever works for you. 
  • You get a lot of one on one time with your tutor via things such as Skype. Your tutor gives you 100% attention and there is also usually a student help line open 24/7, so even if you're studying at some random time, such as 3am, you can still get help. 

With that being said though, studying online isn't the easiest thing in the world. I did so well for the first three months and then went eight months without doing anything because life got in the way. (My dad will absolutely throttle me when either he or his girlfriend reads this and that news gets back to him...). However, since the start of September I've managed to get my studying back on track and am now sticking to a set routine, even beginning to revise for the exam that I hope to be able to take next year! So here are my tips for studying online to keep you on track...

Make a plan. 
Seriously. I broke away from my plan literally just for the Christmas break and then found it really hard to pick back up and ended up going for a long, long time, letting life just get in the way. It's so important to make a structured plan and to stick to it. While online courses are flexible, you mustn't get into the mindset that you can take months and months, or even years, to complete it. Try to do two lessons a week if you can and make sure to get assignments in as quickly as possible- try to do it within a week, as though you were at school. 

Read, read, read. 
Read your notes three times. Read them over when they're given to you initially. Then read them again, highlighting important parts. Then read them again, making annotations and writing down notes in your own words, making sure you fully understand what you're reading. It might seem tedious but this is the best way to get it to stick in your head. 

Don't open other tabs.
As difficult as it might be, don't open any other tabs whilst studying online. It can be so easy to open a Facebook tab to flick back and forth from but before you know it you've been stalking your ex for the last two hours and know all about his aunt's best friends dogs vasectomy. You know what I'm saying? Stay focused, keep all tabs that aren't your school work closed and, if possible, get someone to check on you every now and then to make sure you haven't opened one up!

Make physical notes.
Things stick in your head better when you physically write them out/draw diagrams etc. Your course might be online and therefore digital based, but don't let this stop you from writing out 'real' notes. Re write and re write and re write until they've stuck in your head and you 100% know what you're reading. 

Join the student chat room.
I'm still yet to do this but it's on my to do list because other people I know who have studied online have said just how helpful it is! Not only do you make friends like at a 'real' uni or school but if you're stuck, they can give you a hand! At school, you'd always rather ask a friend for the answer than your teacher and in online colleges it is much the same I feel. 

Remove your phone!
Do not have your phone in the same room as you while you study- phone's are genuinely the biggest distraction of them all! Lock it in another room, a cupboard or leave it with someone else in your house, letting them look after it while you study! You'll keep checking it and soon get distracted by Instagram, snapping your laptop and hashtagging #schoollife #workhardplayhard #studying even though you're actually doing everything but working...

Do you study online? What tips would you give to someone studying online? Share them in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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