#SeptemberStudies- How to further your career while studying

With the non-stop world we seem to live in today, it's never too early to get a head start on your career, even while you're still studying. No matter what your desired career is, there are several things you can do to help progress in the industry and bulk up your CV a little bit while still in education.

Work experience
Work experience is the most obvious of the things you can do, however it isn't easy to obtain in all professions. Most secondary schools do a compulsory two week work experience slot- if this is the case for you, really take advantage of this. Try to get experience with something that really will be beneficial to you. At the time, I wanted to be a photographer and I managed to get a two week slot with the photography department at RAF Halton which was an absolutely amazing experience. 

You can also do work experience in school holidays and at weekends, volunteering your services to help even with the most menial tasks if it helps you to get your foot in the door! 

There are so many seminars going on all the time, both in a face to face environment as well as via the internet. You can learn so much from these seminars, meet new people who want to do the same things as you and also treat them as a networking opportunity to meet professionals in your dream job who might be able to give you advice or help you out! There are seminars like this for so many different careers so have a browse online (Google is your best friend) and see what you can find! 

Training days
There is a lot of training days and courses running all the time too, just like seminars. Again, these can be online or physical but all are very beneficial. For example, I've been to several training days, but my most useful one was training to be a TV presenter. Not only did I get to be a trained TV presenter at the end of it, I met some useful contacts, learnt a whole host of new skills, made some new friends and had a whole lot of fun too! Its another case of googling "*insert your career* training day" and seeing what you can find! 

Working at home
Sometimes, you can start right from your own home. Want to get into engineering? Start working on your parents' vehicles to get some practice, or a neighbour or friend. Want to get into a food based career? Cook as much as you can at home, make up your own recipes, document everything. Want to get into art? Make scrapbooks, portfolios of your work, don't stop being creative. The list goes on and on. Keep a record of all that you do to show future universities or college tutors, or even future employers. It shows them how long you've been working at this which demonstrates dedication and also proves just how much you can do!

Reach out to the professionals
Social media is a a God send and is a great way to get in touch with industry professionals who might be able to link you up to an opportunity or simply give you some advice about your career. Drop them an email, send them a tweet- put yourself out there and start getting noticed by people who need to know you! 

Did you start furthering your career while studying? How? Let me know in the comments below! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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