Things that happen when you have a pregnant friend
You can't believe it.
Honestly, I still can't get my head around it. One of the reasons I love Abby was because of her total 'yolo' attitude, she was such a wild girl who was always up for anything that would be a laugh. I never, ever, ever would have expected that she would be the first of my friends to settle down with the love of her life and become a mum and yet at the same time, I can't picture anyone else doing a better job at it! It's just totally weird to think that soon, she's going to be a mum!

You get super broody.
I have always loved babies and all of my friends tell me what a great mum they imagine me to be- but when your friend is pregnant it just gets worse because now you're helping her to prepare for a baby and it just is all so exciting and everything is so cute and just...broooooooody.

You want to spoil the baby.
Honestly, the day after I heard my pal was pregnant I went out and bought the baby some socks printed to look like Converse and since then have bought quite a collection of things to spoil it with (I hate to say 'it' but no gender specified yet!) I already can't wait for Christmas when I can buy it lots of little presents and just spoil it rotten!

You use your friend's bladder and cravings to make decisions.
Seriously. Where do we go for lunch? Wherever is closest because she needs to pee pronto. What shall we eat? Well it might be something random depending on her cravings, but you just gotta go along with it!

You're evaluate your life.
Now she's having a baby and here I am unable to cook for myself or even use an iron. Is my life as together as it should be right now? Crap.

You already offer to babysit.
Hey, it can't be that hard to look after a cute little bundle of love for a few hours can it? Even if it is, so what, your friend deserves a break and it's your job to help her out (and me personally, I definitely want to because BABIES)

You're counting down to the babies arrival.
Not only because you want to meet the baby but because you want to take your girl out for a cocktail or two on you. That's acceptable, right?

How do you feel when a friend announces that they're pregnant? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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