#SeptemberStudies- If not uni then what?
It's the first full week of September and that means one thing; back to school! You might be going back to school, starting at a new college or uni or even beginning your gap year. Alternatively, you might be sat there with absolutely no clue what to do now that you've finished education or left secondary school. Well, that's where I come in. This post is pretty much for 18 year olds who are stuck in a rut not knowing where to go but can also be applied to those who have just finished college or uni; here's some things to do that aren't necessarily 'school'. (I've phrased that so badly...)
Take a gap year
You can take these between school and uni or even after uni. Spend as little or as long as you want taking some time off from the continuous hard work you've been doing and go and travel the world, doing lots of fun things that you might not get to do once you've settled down into a new career.

Apply for internships
It's not as strenuous as a full on job but it's a chance to test out, short term, jobs you think you may be interested in while making contacts and earning a bit of money too. A lot of the time internships can actually lead to proper jobs too, which is just a bonus!

Get your dream job
Maybe you're ready for work right away. Maybe you want to kickstart your career right now with no need to take a break out from education or hard work. Go you! Go get your dream job! It won't be easy but it will definitely be worth it.

Get a not so dream job
You might not be able to get your dream job or you might not know what your dream job is and that's fine. In the mean time, why not just get another job e.g. a retail or bar job that will give you enough money to live (more than an internship will) and maybe even start saving money while continuing to look for a way to get your dream job.

Work abroad
Whether that's as an au pair, as a teacher, for skiing season in winter or for party season in Maga or similar in the summer, working abroad can feel like a holiday whilst earning at the same time. It's something a litte different to do and also gives you lots of life experience- as well as allowing you to meet a tonne of new people and make lots of friends.

Start studying something new
Maybe you've realised you need/want a new qualification so just choose to continue studying! This doesn't have to come from uni though; you can do this online or join a class at your local college - and best of all you can do this from any age (18+) so even if you're 36 and feel a bit lost you can always go back to education!

There's plenty you can do if you decide not to jet off to uni this year! If you have any of your own ideas, share them with everyone else in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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