#SeptemberStudies- Revision Tips!
Use flash cards
These are great when trying to remember key terms, remember facts about certain people or trying to remember words from another language. Keep them short, sharp and to the point so that you're not trying to overload too much into your brain at once!
Use post-it notes
And then stick them everywhere. Next to your bed, on your mirror, inside of the fridge. Anywhere that you'll be able to see them, read whats on them and attempt to memorise them is a good place to stick them.
Make notes three times
Re write your notes three times. One time will be the brief copy, then rewrite them again in a bit more detail, fully understanding what you're talking about. Finally, write them again and focus particularly on the key points in your notes that you really need to remember.
Read your notes out loud
If you speak your notes out loud, they're more likely to sink into your head. Read them to someone else, let someone else read them to you and then speak them out loud to yourself as well. Just keep reading them! Doing this with a revision partner or group is particularly helpful, especially if you're all revising the same thing.
Use highlighters and coloured pens
Our brains like to process colours, and writing down your notes in coloured pen, as well as highlighting black and white notes with splashes of colour will make particular notes stand out to you more, helping you to retain information more easily.
Make mind maps
Mind maps are a great way to get a lot of information down in short, snappy points that are easier to remember! Make a mind map for each topic you're trying to revise, not each subject. For example, if you're studying four different authors in English, make a mind map for each author, not for the English subject as a whole.
Stay hydrated and get lots of sleep
Your brain needs enough water and sleep to function properly. You won't retain information as well if you're dehydrated and exhausted- so don't stay up until the early hours of the morning revising, it won't work!
What are your revision tips? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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