#SeptemberStudies- School bag essentials!

In order for your school day to run smoothly, you need to make sure you have everything in your bag necessary for the day ahead! Here's a checklist of essentials that should be in your bag at all times!

Diary. I don't care if you're a guy and think diaries are totally feminine things, diaries are the only way you're going to stay organised and you absolutely have to have one, even if it's only to write down the homework you have to do and when the next football match is.

Water bottle. It's so, so important to stay hydrated. If you don't drink enough water, your brain won't function properly, which will cause you to begin to slack in lessons! Have a water bottle in your bag that you can fill up throughout the day if needs be.

Tissues. Honestly, you never know when you're going to need a tissue. If you get a sudden nose bleed, need to clear up food you've spilled down yourself, something to spit your chewing gum into...tissues are a necessity, keep a pack or two in your bag at all time.

Chewing gum. No one wants to smell the cheese and onion crisps you ate for lunch in the last period of the day. Make sure you've got some chewing gum on you to freshen up your breath- especially if you have a hot date after school, too!

Body spray/deodorant. If you have P.E you should always have body spray or deodorant on you. However, it should always be in your bag anyway- you never know when you might need to do a sudden dash for the school bus or if you'll be left in a classroom so hot you end up working up a sweat!

Loose change. You never know what you might need to pay for. A charity donation at school, a snack from the canteen if you get a little peckish at break. Maybe even an emergency bus fair home? Always keep some change in your bag for emergencies.

Phone charger. No one wants their phone to die whilst their at school. No one.

Headphones. You need headphones for the journey to and from school. Also, sometimes teachers are nice enough to let you listen to music in lessons. If you didn't have your headphones for that, you'd be out of luck!

What essentials do you always make sure are in your school bag? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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