#SeptemberStudies- Should you go to university?

One of the biggest questions we have to answer as a teenager is "Should I go to university?". It's a touch question because only you can come up with the answer- and there is no right or wrong answer either. 

The truth of the matter is, university isn't for everyone, and that is totally okay! Some people love education and all that comes with it, others don't, and that's fine. You shouldn't let anyone pressure you into going or not going- it has to be 100% your decision. This post is going to attempt to help you find out whether university is right for you by weighing up some of the general pros and cons

Pros- Yes, you should go to university because...

  • You can gain a degree. So many jobs require you to be a graduate with a degree and even if they don't, having a degree can give you an advantage when applying for a job once you've finished with university. 
  • You can make lifelong friends. You'll bond with people at university on a deeper level than at school as you're not fickle children, you're adults, and you're living with a lot of them for a lot of the time too, which can bring you closer together.
  • You can make some great connections with industry experts, no matter what it is that you're studying. Universities often have a lot of very beneficial links to incredible industries that may not be accessible to those outside of university. 
  • You can gain some life experience, such as how to rent a house, how to manage bills each month, learning to fend for yourself without the help of your parents.You can gain some adult independence by becoming a totally independent adult when you're at university which is very advantageous and may not happen as quickly to those who are not at university. 
  • You can learn important skills that can be transferred to the work place such as time management, independent learning, team work and so on. 

Cons- No, you shouldn't go to university because...

  • Your friends are going. Don't follow your friends to university if you don't really want to go. It's a waste of time, money and also a space at your chosen uni- someone who really wants to go could have your place and use it properly. 
  • You don't know what to study. If you don't know what to study, or don't want to study anymore, don't go! There is always time to go to uni, you can join at literally any time in your life, so if you change your mind in one year, five years or even twenty five years, you can still go!
  • It's expensive. With so many alternative choices out there now, university isn't the only way forward. There are work based education opportunities, such as apprenticeships and graduate style schemes that you don't have to be a graduate for, internships and the chance to just go straight into work too. You could even study online! Make sure you research your options before making a set decision. 
  • Your school tell you there's no other option. There is. Schools want as many students to go to university as possible as this is something that looks good for them and their statistics that they show to people contemplating coming to the school. University is something you need to decide on, and it's all up to you, not the school! 
  • You don't want to. You might just genuinely not want to go to university! You might be ready to go straight into the working world, you might have other opportunities lined up. You may just not want to go and that's fine. 

The decision to go to university is a big, seemingly life changing one and only you can make it. While you can ask numerous people for advice and for their opinions, at the end of the day it all comes down to you. Make sure to do enough in depth research, ask teachers, uni lecturers, parents and friends for their advice and even look online for blog posts like this and other online articles that can advise you on how to make the best decision. 

Whatever you do, make sure it's right for you. At the end of the day, happiness is key. Life is too short to be anything other than happy so just do exactly what you want. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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