#SeptemberStudies- How to make the most of your work experience placement

Previously in this series I have spoken about the importance of participating in things such as internships and work experience placements while studying in order to further your career. Today, I'm going to be talking about how to make the most of those placements- everything that you should and shouldn't be doing!

Arrive on time
Every day, no matter what, be on time. In fact, be early and have a coffee or tea ready made for the person who has been assigned as your boss for the placement. It will put your boss in a good mood and keep them remembering you- they'll miss the early morning bevvies once you've left your placement and might even ask you back!

Be good at making tea/coffee
Seriously, you'll be expected to make cups left right and centre for everyone and their neighbour! I really struggled on a work placement when I was asked to make tea and coffees as I had no idea how to- luckily, I had a girl with me who helped me out!

Rise above expectations
If you're given a task by your boss or another team member, see if you can complete this task and do a little bit more. Alternatively, complete tasks before you're asked to do them. This will really impress the team and make you stand out.

Ask for tasks
If you haven't been given a particular task to do, don't just sit around waiting to be given something to do! Instead, be proactive and ask people if there's any little jobs they need doing, even if it's emptying the bin or just making another drink for them! Keep on and on and on asking and stay busy. They might not always be grateful at the time but at the end of the day when they realise they've crossed everything off of their to do list they will be so thankful!

Try to learn things
If you have something you actually want to learn then make sure you go about trying to learn it. Alternatively, if you see someone doing something and think "hey, I'd like to know how to do that", don't be afraid to go up to them and ask if you can observe and make notes or if they even have a few extra minutes to sit down and teach you!

To be honest, just make sure that you make a really great and memorable impression on everyone- not just the boss! You never know who could turn out to be a useful connection later down the line or who might want to ask you back.

Have you got any tips to make sure you make the most of your work experience placement? Leave them in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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