#SeptemberStudies- Tips on staying organised

It's September 1st! That means that today is the start of my September blog series. #SeptemberStudies. I'm kickstarting the month with something fairly basic but that everyone needs; some useful organisation tips!

1) Use a diary
Oh my Lord I can not express this enough! There is absolutely no way you're going to be able to remember anything that you need to do without the use of a good planner, agenda or diary. Make sure there's enough space on the pages to write everything you need and that it also has some notes pages you can make use of too! 

2) Use a calendar
Similarly to a diary, a calendar is the only way you're going to get through your week without forgetting assignments, when essay's are due in, which friend you were going to meet up and revise with...calendar's can be more immediate to write on and look through too, compared to a diary, so have it on the wall somewhere you can access it easily! 

3) Make 'to do' lists
If you have a huge mountain of work, make a to do list to help you get through it! Order everything by importance (e.g. due date) and then work your way through. Not only will this make sure you get everything done that you need to, it also makes you feel more productive when you're actively crossing things off of a list. 

4) Don't save all work until the night before
Honestly, leave yourself enough time to do all of your work up to a decent standard. If you're set an essay that you're told is going to take three hours, allow yourself three hours to write that essay. Don't try and cram it into half an hour before the lesson it's due in for. 

5) Get enough sleep
You might not think this affects your organisation skills but it does! If you're too tired to do anything, your brain will become frazzled and you'll have no clue what you're supposed to be doing and when you're supposed to be doing it! Try to get 6-8 hours sleep every night! 

6) Use post it notes! 
Stick post it notes with reminders on in places you'll find them; for example, you could stick a post it note on the fridge door that says "Finish your history essay" which you're bound to see as you grab another snack for your Netflix binge session! 

So there's some quick tips on staying organised for you! Share your own tips in the comments below or on Twitter using the hashtag #SeptemberStudies!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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