Books VS. Films

Nowadays, most books are turned into films. However, they don't always manage to get it quite right- sometimes the films are truly awful, sometimes they're brilliant and more often than not they miss out major details from the stories we already knew and loved. So which book-to-film's have been great and which have truly sucked?

Lord of the Rings
A truly epic series of films, I have to confess that I haven't read the books but I have it on authority that the books are better than the films- although the films really are incredible and stay pretty true to the books, even if it does take 1,000 years to watch them all!

lotr lord of the rings gandalf you shall not pass

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
So, so disappointing! I adored the Georgia Nicholson books, but when they combined the first two into one film, but taking details from all the books and mixing things up and getting things wrong, I just couldn't stand it. I like the film, it makes me laugh, but there are so many inaccuracies.

eleanor tomlinson

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Diary of a Wimpy Kid books are hilarious stories with fantastic illustrations. Thankfully, the films are just as funny and even maintained the same style illustrations throughout the film to keep it as accurate as possible, which I loved! 

Twilight Saga
I love the Twilight Saga but I don't think I'm alone in thinking that the books are way, way better than the films. Robert Patterson was not the right choice for Edward Cullen and they missed out a number of details too! 

The Fault in our Stars
I cried at the book, I sobbed at the films. While there were some details missing from the film, I think they did a pretty good job with it. 

Gone Girl
This book is intense and so many people loved it, but (without giving away any spoilers), there was more suspension in the books and they changed a few things in the film that not everyone was a fan of either. It was still a good film but not as good as the book. 

foxhomeent  ben affleck gone girl missing

Harry Potter series
Of course, how could I not mention the Harry Potter series? Excellent stand alone films, absolutely brilliant. However, in comparison to the book...well. There is no comparison. So many characters weren't accurate and so many details were missed out or mixed up. The books are better than the films in terms of accuracy and such, but when you watch them without thinking of the books, they're still fab. 

harry potter harry potter forever

Angels and Demons
Angel and Demon's was altered so much that many fans were left feeling disappointed after having read the book. As much as it pains me to criticise any of Tom Hanks' work, the film just didn't match the book at all. 

What books have been turned into films that you love or hate? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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