Is your friend toxic?
We all have them in our lives- toxic people. 'Friends' who make us miserable, even when we may not realise it. So I've compiled one of my favourite kinds of posts- a gif filled list- to help you realise if someone in your life is toxic and you need to cut them loose or not.
1) They leave you feeling stressed out. You should feel happy and chilled out when you're with great people. It's okay for you to fall out with friends and occasionally feel upset after leaving them, but if you always feel stressed out after an encounter with this person, it's probably time to cut them loose.

2) They never do anything for you. But you always find yourself doing things for them, running around after them, helping them out. It should be a two way thing where you're both willing to help each other!

3) They hurt your feelings. Sometimes unintentionally, sometimes intentionally. And it sucks. No real friend would do that, and a real friend would realise if they'd accidentally hurt your feelings and apologise!

4) They don't listen to you. We all have days where we need to have a moan and be listened to by our pals. If you find that your friends are talking over you, texting instead of listening, singing or humming or just generally not listening, stop wasting your time on them. Find a real pal who wants to help you out in your hour of need.

5) You find yourself wishing you weren't friends. And thinking of ways that you can ditch them to hang out with someone else. This is a surefire sign that you need to cut this friend from your life. Trust me.

If there is someone who makes you feel even one of these ways, you should reevaluate whether or not this person has a positive influence in your life. If not, you have to get rid of them, because it will only make you miserable in the long run. It will be difficult, sure, but in the end it's definitely worth it. You should only be surrounded by positive people who make you feel good about yourself and make you happy.
What tips do you have for spotting whether or not someone in your life is toxic? Any tips for cutting a toxic person from your life? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
Oh I know the feeling! I've had toxic friends before and I had to cut them out! They were horrible! I agree, if a friend is a negative influence then there's no point in having them around!
I have had my fair share of toxic friends too and it is just SO draining! The best thing to do is to get rid of them!