Lies we all tell

Everyone tells lies, right? Don't even lie and say that you don't tell lies. Lying about lying is the worst! 


We are all guilty of lying, some people worse than others. However, there are some lies that virtually everyone tells at some point or another in their life. I've put together...yep. Okay, you guessed it. A gif filled list filled with these lies that I feel people tell on a pretty regular basis. Let's see how many you recognise...

Dinner at a relative/friend's house. Yeah, I'm totally full, that was great. *How the bloody hell does she think one fish finger and some beans filled me up, is she an idiot? I need about five more servings*

When asked if you're fine on the worst day of your entire existence so far. I'm fine. Yep my life is falling apart, I haven't slept for 49 hours, I hate everyone around me including you but smile yes, I'm 100% fine. 

friends fine friends tv ross gellar im fine

How long did it take you to get through that Netflix series? Lie. Double, no, triple whatever amount of time it did take you. Dammnit that's still only three days. 

mic  television yes mic netflix

What time did you go to sleep last night? Minus four hours from whatever the real time was. No one needs to know you were up until 3am youtubing funny animals...

Do you fancy that guy/girl? NO. No! No? Why would you...? NO! Me? Hahahahahaha. No! Not at all. You're crazy. No. *Actually I've planned our wedding and named our children, no biggie*

zooey deschanel new girl crush jess jess day

Did you eat this whole packet of biscuits? No Mum, I did not. *One was taken before I got my paws on them...and I'll find out who it was, believe me!*

There's the one that got away...

Mum/sister/female relative or friend: "Do I look fat in this?" No! You look like a gorgeous, curvy woman. Curvy? Well it's not fat! Definitely not fat. At all. *God I can't let her go out in that, I hope she realises...*

disney pixar fat the incredibles edna mode

Wow, you look great today, how long did that all take? Oh this? This little look? Literally like, two seconds. I woke up like this! *Five hours. It took me five goddamn hours*

How many of the lies on this list have you told before- and are there any you would add? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. Guilty of all of the above. :D

    xx Hailey - //


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