
I have written blog posts in the past that have thanked people for being such good friends to me, that have praised their efforts at pulling me out of my darkest times and have mocked their antics on a night out in a friendly-banter kind of way. And whilst she has been mentioned in passing, she has failed to have a blog post entirely dedicated to her.

Who am I talking about?

My one true love, my soul mate and other half, of course! My beloved Robyn.

Or, as you guys will probably know her, Bobbie.

I became friends with Bobbie when I was 15, just before my 16th birthday. I am not sure how we became friends, but I think it was mainly from having some mutual friends (despite her being a year older) and from commenting on photos and statuses on Facebook. My first memory of Bobbie is the day I met her- my 16th birthday, where she came running in to see me and to have some cake! (Pretty typical of her...)

Since then, our meet ups have been few and far between due to us not starting out as best friends- and by the time we were (which I also didn't see happening, until it had happened...if that makes sense) she was at university in London and I was stuck here, in Aylesbury. However, this doesn't stop us meeting up as much as we can and messaging each other on pretty much a daily basis.

Bobbie is one of- if not the biggest supporter of me and all that I do. She pre orders a copy of my magazine without fail every single time, she gives me constructive criticism on my work, she even has come to a blogging event with me and offered to write for my magazine! She has made all of her family and friends like my facebook pages, vote for me in a facebook competition I was a part of, listen to my radio shows and sign up to Topshop emails so I could be star of the week at work.

When I went through my break up, Bobbie was with me every step of the way. She took me on a pub crawl in London, let me mingle with all of her lovely friends (who really were so lovely!), she made me write a list of the good and bad things about my ex to help me realise this was for the best, she bought me valentine's gifts so I wouldn't feel bad on my first valentine's day as a single lady, she boosts my confidence, deciphers curious messages from boys for me and is just generally the best friend a girl could ask for!

Bobbie, this has been a long time coming and I am sorry it took me so long, but girlfriend this one is for YOU! Thank you for being everything I need in life and more, thank you for blessing me with a love of selfies, forever editing out my squinty eye, giving me a desire to learn to contour, telling people I'm your famous friend and for being generally fabulous. Everyone needs a friend like you and I consider myself incredibly lucky.

Best fucking bitches, always.

I love you loads.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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