International Day of Happiness

Today is a very good day, am I right? Not only has it been fairly warm with some lovely sunshine, but it is the first official day of Spring and it is the International Day of Happiness. So it's only right to talk about all things happy today, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do- here's a list of some of the things in life that make me happy! 

1) Waking up to have birds singing outside my window.

2) Food (couldn't leave that out, could I!)

3) My friends of course! Real life pals, twitter mates and blogging buddies...I love you all!

4) Writing. 

5) Shopping. Who doesn't like shopping?

6) Editing photos to post on Instagram. Not sure why I love it...I just do.

celebrities kim kardashian keeping up with the kardashians instagram i instagram and do fun things no matter what im doing

7) Having a good make up day.

8) Strawberry and cream frappucino's.

coffee yum starbucks whipped cream frappuccino

9) Pretty stationery. Buying it, using it, or just looking at it. I love it all.

10) Listening to music...another obvious one I feel. 

singing bath julia roberts pretty woman

11) Singing. I can't sing well, but I love it anyway.

singing shower matthew broderick mohawk ferris bueller's day off

12) Dancing. But only when under the influence of alcohol and I think I'm Beyonce.

So there's just a handful of things in life that make me happy! Let me know what things make you happy in the comments below- and happy International Day of Happiness!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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