Happy, lucky me

How the flip flippity flippin heck are we in March already? 2016 is going crazily fast! 

The start of the month has been full of positivity and highs for me today and I really wanted to share these with you- especially when lots of them are thanks to you guys! I feel very happy and motivated today and it's a great feeling that I really want to hold on to- so hopefully I will be able to keep coming back to this blog post and re reading all of the happiness within it on any days in the future where I'm feeling a bit worse for wear. So. Let's crack on!

High point number one: Issue 4 of my magazine launched today! The cover star for this issue is the gorgeous Jemma, of Dorkface Blog and the founder of The Girl Gang. To be honest, the only part I was happy with in this issue was Jemma's interview. Her cover was gorgeous and her pages were bright, colourful and inspiring. I wasn't too happy with the rest of the magazine- a lot of writers dropped out of the publication last minute and so it was the smallest issue to date. When it was printed, it turned out the back cover and inside front cover was blurry. I felt so down and so ready to give up. 

However, I have had some great feedback from the magazine, Jemma has massively raised awareness of the publication and my inbox was suddenly flooded with people wanting to purchase copies and people wanting to write for the magazine. I then looked at the positives, too. We had more people advertising in this issue than ever before. I had also had more people subscribe on a yearly basis. Also, whilst there was less content than normal, it was all of a better standard. So that was all very lovely! 

High point number two: The website, blog and YouTube for my magazine also launched today. I am so proud of this as I designed and made the website myself and the end result just made me feel so accomplished, and as though things are really moving in the right direction for me and my magazine. We can reach more people, we can track more regular events and news via the blog (which is difficult for a quarterly magazine) and we can connect with readers in a new way via our YouTube! If you'd like to check out the website and everything else, you can do so here: www.lovefrommag.com

High point number three: The lovely Lydia made an awesome video of her February favourites, and in her 'people' section, she included little old me! Lydia really went overboard with loveliness and it actually bought a tear to my eye- although I couldn't help but laugh when she compared me to "sharknado"! Lydia is one of the best people I've met through blogging, and I am so happy that she thinks so positively of me! It really made my day watching that video, so thank you Lydia!

High point number four: I went for my usual run with my sister, and we ran our usual route. This time, we managed to run it with only one stop, down from our first run where we stopped about ten times! This was only our fourth run (but my sixth run, as I did a couple without her) and so I felt so accomplished and happy with this!

So overall, I've had a really fab day! I feel so happy, motivated and inspired right now! I also feel incredibly grateful to the amazing people I have around me in the blogging community who are always there to help me out- Lydia, Katherine, Justine, Ffion, Sophie, and Emma just to name a very, very small few! I wouldn't be in the incredible position I am today without the help of all of the people who have read my blog, shared it, bought my magazines, supported me and everything else, so I'm feeling very grateful and blessed right now!

I'm sorry today's post is a little "me, me, me" but I just feel so happy and wanted to share some of that happiness with you guys!

Let me know one happy thing that's happened to you today in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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