Let's get fit!
Today's post is super late I know (sorry) and it's not particularly exciting either (sorry again). Today I'm talking about weight loss and my body (again) but this time with a bit of a difference- difference being that I'm actually going to be realistic about my diet plan, goals and what I can achieve in certain amounts of time.
Normally, I want to lose as much weight as quickly as possible, because who wouldn't want to be able to do that? Obviously this never works out and it just leaves me feeling depressed.
At the start of 2016 I said I was going to be at least one dress size smaller by my 21st birthday in November, something totally achievable. However, that was my minimum goal and obviously I'd like to be two, or even three dress sizes smaller by then. Because I go on holiday on June 21st I would like to be one dress size down by then! This gives me just under three months to achieve this.

The plan is to lose two stone in two months- from April 1st to June 1st. I've asked around, researched online and spoken to my mum (a total fitness guru) about it and have been told that this is totally doable. It equates to about a 3lb loss per week, which can be achieved by walking 10,000 steps a day- something Katie Hopkins has previously recommended everyone should be doing to stay fit and healthy anyway.
So this is what I'm going to do. I shall try to walk 10,000 steps every single day. I will keep up my running, but try to increase this to twice a week rather than once. And I shall try to do two other work outs a week, be this a work out DVD or a trip to the gym. It might not sound a lot to some, but for someone of my fitness level I think this is a realistic amount. On top of this, I will be drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day and allowing myself to have one treat thing a day, if that, rather than the numerous amounts of treats I indulge in whenever I like at the moment.

Lastly, I will be continuing to use my waist trainer for four hours a day. Yes, they can be dangerous and leave you with bruising, internally and externally, but not if you follow the instructions and stick to the safety guidelines- so I don't need any lectures from anyone about that!
Hopefully, by doing all of this, I will be able to lose two stone in two months and this will hopefully lead me to drop one dress size, if not two...and I might finally have the beach body I have so desired for so long.
If you have any motivational tips or weight loss advice, please feel free to share them with me in the comments below! I hope to have some great 'after' photo's to share with you very soon!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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