Sold many wax pineapples today?

You know when inexplicably, \you just have a really good day? Well for me, today was one of those days! As I didn't have much inspiration for a post today, I thought I'd just talk about my day and how fab it was and how happy I am instead (lol how narcissistic of me- not! Read more on that here...) 

First of all, my day had a fab start when my manager messaged me to say I could start an hour later than planned- which meant I got an extra hour in bed. I used this time super wisely, obviously, binging on Netflix and blogging away to my hearts content! 

When I got to work, my day only improved- my manager bought me a big Mini Egg's Easter egg because I had gotten the most positive feedback from customers in the online surveys! Mini egg's are my fave Easter treat so I was super happy. I also had a few giggles with Chloe and Charlie so that was nice as well. 

This evening has just been generally nice too. I've been getting emotional with my one true love Bobbie, ranting to her about a variety of emotions I'm going through now that I'm single. I made a big Make Up Revolution order which I can't wait to receive. I found out I have some more freelance work to come this week and I had my day absolutely made by none other than one of my fave internet friends, Lydia. 

I'm not going to disclose too much about what was said because I don't want to appear bitter or undignified (intriguing, I know) but Lydia has actually been my secret stalker for a while without me even knowing. Every now and then she comes out with some outrageous comment that cracks me up and today was one of those days. She's a real little gem and has really brightened my mood to the max today! 

How have all your day's been? Let me know the highlight of your day in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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