Am I a #bossbabe?

For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you'll know I have a "theme", posting inspiring quotes relating to careers and running a business complete with the hashtag '#girlboss'. I follow a few accounts who dedicate their feeds to inspiring 'girlboss' quotes such as hustlherhoney, fabulousgirlsrock and bossyrichgirl as a source for my own inspiration, but recently I have found these accounts to be a little...well. Problematic. Let's take a look at some of the quotes:

"Some girls daydream about boys. Some girls daydream about business"

"The goal is to be pretty and paid"

"Made myself a boss because I wanted to work in a crop top and mini skirt"

To me, these quotes are deeply problematic. These quotes imply that you can't be stereotypically 'feminine' and enjoy girly clothes and make up and boys whilst simultaneously being accepted as a serious business woman. 

Now, I like to call myself a business woman. I run my own magazine and I am all about my career, bettering both it and myself, progressing up the ladder further and further into the career world. However, I am also obsessed with the colour pink. I love sparkles and florals and make up and unicorns. You can ask my friends; I am about as girly as they come. I also daydream about boys, from random guys I meet on tinder to boys I know in real life to the most gorgeous of all male celebs, such as Zac Efron. So yes, I am typically 'feminine' but yes, I am also a business woman. 

So how do these two connect? Judging by the social media accounts I follow it appears that a #bossbabe is a woman who cares about her looks, being better than men and running a business because they weren't taken seriously as a business woman elsewhere due to their love of the aforementioned looks and being at the top etc.. 

Yet in my eyes, a #bossbabe is a woman who is just running her own business, working at the top of her game, constantly striving to be better and achieving great things. 

For me, the likes and dislikes of a person, their level of femininity, their love or lack of for clothes and make up has absolutely no relevance to being a total boss. Seriously. If you're a powerful, independent women who loves make up and boys, you're a boss babe. If you're a powerful, independent woman who hates pink, isn't bothered about make up and boys, you're also a boss babe. It really doesn't matter. No matter what traits you have as a woman, as a hard working, high aiming career woman you should be respected as a boss babe, no matter what.

beyonce boss bossy

The real definition of a boss babe, for me, is this:

"A woman who is at the top of her game, independent, strong and takes nobodies rubbish. Working hard to achieve many things and further develop both as a person and within in her career, her ambitions and goals are of the utmost importance to her- anyone who can not support that needs to step aside."

With this definition in mind, I would say yes I am 100000000% a boss babe. I rock, you rock, we all rock! 

Are you a boss babe? If so, what does being a boss babe mean to you? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Yes I'm definitely a bossbabe and being "girly" - wearing makeup, loving floral prints, etc - doesn't change that.

    What does being girly/feminine mean anyway?



    1. Exactly! Glad you see where I'm coming from!


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