Reasons to love Easter

We all love Easter for absolutely the wrong reasons. Whilst the core of this holiday is all about the Christian faith and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I'll be the first to throw my hands up and admit that I am not religious in any way and that I absolutely enjoy Easter for all the 'wrong' reasons- but I can guarantee that I'm not alone on this! So let me tell you why I love Easter, and lets see if any of our reasons match...

1) Chocolate. Duh. This kind of goes without saying, right?

eating chocolate matilda bruce bogtrotter

2) Bunnies. I love bunnies, who doesn't? They're so little and cute and fluffy and just awh. And at Easter, they're everywhere!

rabbit bunny happens boop bunnies

3) Chicks. Similar to bunnies, little yellow fluffy chicks are all over the place, both real and fake and they are so cute.

philipparice  cute stop-motion chicks craft

4) Arts and crafts. There are so many cute arts and crafts you can do at Easter, from home made cards and chocolates to using those little fluffy chicks in home made nests, making cute pastel bunting and so on!

diy easter tattly temporary tattoo diy projects

5) It's one step closer to summer! Once Easter is out of the way there is nothing else to look forward to except SUMMER! And who doesn't love summer? We all do!!!

So...what do you love about Easter? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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