Inspirational Quotes!

It can be hard to remain focused. Focused on work, focused on tasks, focused on relationships- everything! I often struggle with the motivation to stay focused and inspired myself, especially when I'm doing things like daily blogging! It can all be quite difficult to come by and I often find help in these areas can come from inspirational, motivating and positive quotes I stumble across online. Today, I thought I would share some of these quotes with you so that if you're ever at a loss for some motivation you can pop over here and find some! 

(If you follow me on Instagram, you may already have seen these!)

It can be hard to see the 'light at the end of the tunnel' so to speak. Always remember that whatever obstacle is in your way, you can push through it. There is always a solution, a way round it. The only thing standing in your way is you

Not everyone in life is going to like you, and that is fine. The sooner you realise this and become comfortable with this idea, the sooner you can continue through your life with no worries! As long as you have a close knit, supportive community of family and friends in your life, you don't need to worry about the rest. 

It is so easy to become stuck inside of a comfort zone, and whilst this is fine in the short term, in the long term nothing exciting, new, challenging or just different will happen within a comfort zone. Push your boundaries, try new things and see all the fabulous things that can happen!

It's true! Life is quite literally too short to be doing things you don't enjoy! I have seen so many young people lose their lives suddenly and it really puts things in perspective. If you were to die tomorrow, would you be satisfied with how you'd lived your life? No? Then change what you're doing ASAP!

This, this, this, this, THIS. All too often I see people hating on the success of others, trying to belittle their success or drag them down. Why? What do you achieve from this? It doesn't damage your success in any way, so just support them- especially if they're you're friends!

We all love to treat ourselves, right? Remind yourself of this when you feel like giving up on your job or your work. You need to get through that last bit of paperwork, write that last article, sell that last pair of shoes in order to make your dollar and treat yourself come pay day! 

This is the most important quote of all. Dream big, always. Go as far as your mind will take you. Work hard, always. Then you can make those big dreams come true. Surround yourself with good people, forever. Only surround yourself with positivity- negative vibes will only bring you down and ain't nobody got time for that!

Please feel free to use these images on social media but please do credit me for them if you do! Let me know some quotes that inspire you in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace 


  1. I live by just about every single one of these quotes! Especially work hard so you can shop harder! That's the plan!

    1. Haha that quote is so relevant, isn't it? It's all about that dollarrrrr!


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