My favourite Disney villains
We always hear about Disney princes and princess' they'd look as pin up models, how they'd look in modern day and so on and so on. We rarely hear about the Disney Villain's- and yet they're some of the best characters! There wouldn't even be a story without them, they deserve more credit than they're given! Here's a list of my favourite Disney Villain's and why I think they're awesome.
1) Maleficent.
Maleficent is my all time favourite. It could be how regal she is, it could be because she's from my favourite Disney princess story and it could also be because the re told story featuring Angelina Jolie was so magnificent and emotional that I fell in love with the character even more! I even dressed as her for the Disney fancy dress on my final day of school...

She isn't that evil in comparison with other villains- yes she did kidnap a child, but she raised her to be a polite, educated young lady, fed her and looked after her. Come on, there's worse things she could have done. However, it's the sassyness of her's that I love- she is absolutely hilarious! And the way she dies is pretty humorous to tell you the truth...she finds herself so ugly she covers her face and falls out of a window. Come on!

3) Hades.
Another villain full of sass, Hades has me cracking up all the way through the film rather than cowering away from the screen or crying at their blatant betrayal (cough Scar cough). His frustration at his useless henchmen, his failed plans to kill Hercules, his anger issues and cynicism throughout the movie and his irritation with everyone and everything around him is just brilliant.

4) Yzma.
From her appalling eyelashes, to her bug like physique, her crazy plans and her exasperation at her sidekick Kronk's stupidity, I actually really feel like me and Yzma would get along really well. All we want is to rule an empire- is that too much to ask?

5) Edgar Balthazar.
Edgar, Edgar, Edgar. So concerned about inheriting money from the woman he works for he feels threatened by a group of cats- three of which are kittens. Just wow. His 'evil' antics which result in him being shipped off to Timbuktu are hilarious- essentially this film is about a man that three kittens manage to get the better of. Major lols.

I know none of these are particularly scary, but that's another list for another day! Who are your favourite Disney villains and why? Let me know in the comments below!
Love from,
Florence Grace
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