Summer bedroom makeover!

Despite yesterday/last night's storm, the last couple of days have been super sunny and...dare I say it...warm! It got me feeling all of those summer feels...and so I went to Primark and decided to give my room a summer make over, raiding the home section like a crazed woman.Today I cleared out all of the pastel-y, floral-y, girly bits and pieces, put them to storage and replaced them with bright, tropical, summery bits! Now, even when it rains, I'll feel all the summer vibes

This post will be a little photo heavy, but I thought I'd share with you all of the bits I got and what they look like- I will try to put in prices where I can!

DUVET COVER- Primark, £9.

CUSHIONS- Primark, varying from £1-£8.

This giant cushion was the first thing I spotted- everything was built around this because I loved it so much!

THROW- Primark, can't remember the price!

The perfect way to conceal my sisters Justin Bieber duvet cover!

BRIC A BRAC- Primark and New Look, ranging from £1- £12.

I love pots and use them for everything- these bright coloured, plastic tumblers made excellent new pots in place of my girly, pastel ones!

This mint light looks gorgeous when turned on, and hangs nicely above my sisters bed with the turquoise throw!

So there you have it, my summer bedroom make over! When I've properly dusted and hoovered I shall try to get a panorama shot to show it off better! What do you think? Do you love these summery products or hate them? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. Oooh this is nice! I love summer and summery products so this is very nice!



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