Happy birthday BJ!
If Ben were a singer, he'd be a "one to watch". You know what I mean- you enjoy their music but they never get the recognition that they deserve? Someone way more mainstream always gets in the way. Ben is like that. That sounds kind of insulting if you read it the wrong way, but it's not meant to be! What I mean to say is that he's a genuinely nice guy (although I'd never tell him that to his face!), he'll do pretty much anything for anyone (even giving away his beloved Dorito's to people he isn't too fond of...) but he's such a quiet guy that just seems to blend into the background. I hate this because so often I don't appreciate what a fab friend he has been to me for the short time that we have been besties, simply because I'm too busy ignoring him waffle on about Coldplay or football or something else equally as uninteresting. So Ben- as part of your birthday present, given that your's got so messed up and ...