A rant about boys...

Guys, I have 10 minutes to spare- I totally forgot about todays blog post! Here's a quickie for ya...

My life has been a bit like Made in Chelsea at the moment- boy drama, girl drama, more boy drama and...yep, more boy drama!

days drama vacation kristin laguna beach

I don't understand why boys feel they can play girls off against each other? Especially girls who are, oh, I don't know, best friends?! It's crazy, do they think we won't communicate with each other about who we're talking to? They surely can't be that dumb?! Of course, I'm sure the same can be said about the behaviour of some girls too, but as I'm only interested in men I only have one perspective!

Let's also discuss the C Bomb shall we...

Nope, not the one you're thinking of.


empire  fox empire stop chill

Nothing gets my girl Xenia riled like a boy dropping the C Bomb on her, and I know I feel the same. If I'm angry about something, it's because you've done something worth being angry over. Boy, don't tell me to "chill" when you're being rude, nasty or playing me off against someone else! I am not going to chill, and you telling me to is actually going to make things worse, not better.

boys dumb dumb boys

Sigh. All of this drama and we still find ourselves pining over the male species. What is wrong with us girls hey? We should just stick together, buy some cats, eat some ice cream and watch Bridget Jones. We would probably all be a lot happier! What do you think?

Love from,
Florence Grace


  1. I'm all for girl power right now! I've been single for about a year and it's been amazing to concentrate on myself and my career and just to do what I want to do! Just be you always :) x


    1. Haha couldn't agree more, I have been focusing on my career and doing more of what I want and I love it!

  2. I've never understood that either - how can guys play girls against each other, especially when those girls are best friends and they communicate with each other.

    It makes no sense, yet guys still do it.

    Some guys are so dumb.


    1. It's just ridiculous isn't it! They really are.


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