Good friends.

It's so important to have good friends. In fact, when it comes to friendship, it really is quality over quantity. I don't have a massive number of friends, but all of my friends are people I trust 100% and would do anything for- I love them all to pieces! I'm lucky enough to have close friends that I see every day, some I see less than that, and some I rarely see at all. I have friends from college, friends at work and other people I'm just friend's with! 

What I value most about my friendships is that time doesn't affect them at all. It doesn't matter how little or how often we see each other, when we're together it seems like no time has passed at all. Today I saw my gang of best friends (you know them all, I've featured them several times on the blog before!) for the first time in two months! This is the longest we have ever gone without seeing each other! And yet, when we were together, it was like I'd only seen them last week. 

Similarly, I have some friends who I only catch up with on a monthly basis, if that, and yet when we do, it's like we haven't missed out on any time together at all. 

And then there's the friends who I am lucky enough to see every week, if not more, and yet somehow absolutely never get sick of. We always have things to chat about, things to do together and have a right laugh. 

It's always quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. However, this doesn't just mean the number of friends you have, but also the time you spend with them too. Sometimes, seeing each other once a month for a whole day having the time of your lives is better than seeing each other every day and doing not very much. Know what I mean?

Make sure you value every second with your friends. No matter what, true friends are always there for you and that should never be taken advantage of. 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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