You NEED to watch TED Talks

Yesterday I spoke about whether or not you could be your own source of inspiration, and I said that yes, you definitely can. However, I also highlighted the fact that it's important to have other sources of inspiration, and I want to discuss one of my main sources of inspiration with you guys today. If you hadn't already guessed by the title of this post, my main source of inspiration is TED Talks.

TED Talks are amazing. Seriously. I wish I had started watching them sooner. In fact, I wish it was compulsory to be shown them at school, maybe in assemblies or form time, because you can seriously just learn so much from them- and I know for sure that I would have felt a lot more inspired for the rest of my school day if I'd started the day off watching one of these!

I really got into TED Talks about, I don't know, eight months ago maybe? I was watching huge numbers of them, every single day (there's endless amounts on YouTube) and feeling totally refreshed and reinspired about life! There are some truly amazing speakers, and all sorts of topics are covered, from gun use in the USA to negative body image, addiction to disabilities, scientific theories to sex problems. TED Talks cover pretty much everything. 

I've cried over a huge portion of them, because some are just so emotional. Some of them make me laugh, leave me feeling grateful, and, above all else, inspired. Inspired not just to work harder, work more often, work better but also just to be a better person generally. I'm lucky enough to have a healthy body that works well. I can walk, talk, think and speak for myself. I can go out and party, I can get a job, I can settle down to make a family- I have choices. So many people who give TED Talks aren't as lucky and it just really puts things into perspective. 

Now, the weather is super nice today, but I'd love for you to do one thing: Watch a TED Talk. Just go to YouTube and simply search TED Talk. Hundreds will come up, you will be totally spoilt for choice. However, here is a few that I would recommend...

  • Forget What You Know by Jacob Barnett (cutest little lad ever!)
  • My Philosophy For a Happy Life by Sam Berns
  • Still Figuring It Out by Tavi Gevinson
  • Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong by Johann Hari
  • My Year of Saying Yes to Everything- Shonda Rhimes (my favourite one by far)

If you have any TED Talk recommendations, leave them for me below! I'm always looking for new ones to watch! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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