Let's talk about boobs.

Just as the title suggests, let's talk about boobs. Because to be honest, I've had enough. 

I mean, it's annoyed me before, but it wasn't until last night when I saw a certain post that I had to "go off on one" shall we say. That's right, I ranted about boobs, on Twitter, for all of the world to see. This was the post that triggered it:

Now of course it wasn't Halle Berry's response that made me angry, because she was amazing! It was the person tweeting her! Not only did they get Halle's name wrong but their comment is just ludicrous- and also suggests they have never seen a pair of boobs before! Here's some fun facts about boobs...

  1. Everyone's boobs are different. Different shapes, weights, sizes. No one has the same pair of boobs. 
  2. The vast majority of people have one boob larger than the other- usually this is the left boob. No one's boobs are symmetrical because guess what? The human body isn't symmetrical. 
  3. Not all boobs are pert and perky. The larger and heavier a persons breasts are, the lower they can sit than smaller boobs, thanks to a little thing called gravity. (However this isn't always the case, of course!) This is why we wear bra's- to push them up and make them look how society has told us our boobs are supposed to look. 
  4. Not everyone wears a bra to support their boobs and this can cause them to look "saggy" or "lopsided" or "uneven" or "wonky". This is okay, by the way.
  5. You don't have to comment on anyone's boobs but you're own. So if you have nothing nice to say about someone's boobs, it's probably best you don't say anything at all. 

I can't believe that it's 2016 and people- especially those of the male variety- seem to believe women's boobs are rock solid lumps that stay perky and don't move around no matter what. Spoiler alert- boobs move when we walk, when we run, when we roll from our back to our side in bed. They move, and because of this, they don't always look like Katie Price's. Okay? 

Can we seriously just stop victimising people for their bodies? Like, why do people actually care so much about what someone else looks like? Focus on your own body, your own health and your own happiness- and leave other people alone! It's really not a difficult concept at all. 

Love from,
Florence Grace

*DISCLAIMER. Everyone's boobs are different (hence the point of this post), and you may find that your boobs don't fit the "criteria" I have mentioned. Everyone's boobs are different and that is OKAY!*


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