6 months in...

As we approach the 1st of June with a scarily rapid speed, I can't help but feel a little freaked out that we are pretty much half way through the year. It's seven months today until Christmas, and seven months and 7 days until 2017. How bloody scary is that?! I genuinely do not understand where the time is going this year, it just seems to be disappearing more and more quickly. Anyway, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the kind of year 2016 has been for me so far.

Well. It's definitely been different! 

Of course, I expected that this year I'd be getting up to more exciting things with my boyfriend, but at the stroke of 12 on New Years Eve, I entered 2016 single- quite literally feeling like it was a new year with a new me. I didn't think I would be able to cope, I didn't see how my life would be able to go on after such a harsh and sudden adjustment after nearly five and half years of a set routine. But something magical happened. 

I was fine. 

I dreaded what 2016 had to hold now that I felt totally alone. But I shouldn't have because so far, 2016 has given me nothing but blessings. I have gotten closer to my old friends, spending more time with them now that I have more time to give. I've spent more time with my family, in particular my youngest sister, which has been lovely. And I've also made some incredible new friends, who dragged me out of my dark place into a much brighter one and have helped me to see the sunny side of life again. 

I've had fun chatting with boys, meeting boys on night's out, but I've still remained single. It strikes me that, right now, it's what I need. From the age of 14 I was in a relationship and missed the whole "teenage self discovery" that most people go through. So now, at the age of 20, I feel like I'm going through that- growing as a person, gaining confidence, becoming more independent. Better late than never hey?

I've been looking at doing things I never would have considered before, such as studying internships in Paris, working with dolphins in Greece, travelling the world for a few months. I've become more spontaneous, more willing to go on totally random adventures, more willing to explore new things. 

I've also had the time to focus more than ever on my career. I've made some big moves with my magazine- setting up a website for it being one of them!- and I've been blogging every day to develop at that, purchasing a template to make it look more professional and working more than ever before on the content that I produce. I've worked with Channel 4 and I've been looking into attending college again in September to become a qualified radio presenter with a 100% chance of employment at the end of the course. 

On top of this, I've lost weight, I've started to wear more make up, I've gotten my first set of eyelash extensions, I buy more expensive treats for myself...basically, I love myself more, and I'm treating myself more because of it. 

I feel better, healthier and above all, happier. I dreaded the idea of 2016 and worried so much on New Year's Day about what the next 366 days would hold for me. I needn't have wasted any time doing that, because my year has turned out just fine. That's not to say there haven't been up's and down's, because they have, but thankfully there's been nothing to drastic and I feel very lucky. Here's hoping the next half of the year treats me just as well, if not better!

Have you had a good year so far? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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