Daily Blogging.

Blogging every day is hard I tell you- much harder than people think! When I tell people that I blog, they brush it off as nothing more than just writing about whatever the heck I want. When I tell them that I blog every day they are a little more impressed but they still don't fully understand- only my blogging pals will get how much time and effort it takes to blog, more so to do it every single day! 

I set myself the challenge of blogging every day on January 1st 2016. I had just split up from my boyfriend of nearly five and a half years and, heartbroken, wrote a 'daily thoughts' post, something I decided I would do every day of the year in order to document my emotions, help me to try and maintain a positive attitude about the situation that I was in and to keep me preoccupied in the seemingly endless free time I would now have on my hands. 

However, I haven't written a 'daily thoughts' post since day 1. Instead, daily blogging has allowed me to cover a whole variety of topics. Most frequent are my gif filled lists, offering advice, making people laugh and relating to situations that certain types of people go through.My most popular are the rants on current issues, such as when Kim K dropped that naked selfie, and when she did it again a few weeks later. Sometimes my posts are brilliant and sometimes they are poor. Sometimes they are posted at 9am, sometimes they are posted at 11:57pm. It's different every day, but there's one thing that hasn't changed; I still post every single day. 

I'm so glad that I've continued with this and haven't given up along the way- I'm even more impressed with myself that all of my posts are written on the day. None of them are scheduled or pre planned in order to find the time to post every day. I cram a daily blog post into my day no matter what it is I'm doing. Mostly though, I'm glad that I have continued with daily blogging because I am having an absolute whirlwind of a year. 

In the space of five months (wow, how are we five months into 2016 already?!) I have lost someone who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, I have booked spontaneous concert tickets, I have booked my first holiday away with friends, made friends with some brilliant new people, started leading a better social life, grown more determined in my journalism work, attended blogging events and media days, had some total up and down's over boys (surprise surprise) and done things I just never thought I would have. Now that we've passed my half birthday, I'm looking ahead to my 21st, making exciting plans and wondering what the rest of the year will bring. 

I know that you guys don't enjoy these 'chatty' posts as much- my views tell me that! However I just wanted to thank you guys for taking the time to read my posts every single day, the ones I put my all in to and the ones I don't make quite so much effort with because it's late at night and I'm running out of time. Daily blogging gave me a light in a very dark time in my life, it pulled me out of my misery, kept my brain actively thinking about something else and not *him* and having you guys to communicate with every single day over whatever it was I was writing about really did help me- so thank you all. 

Hopefully you'll continue to read them every day for the rest of the year and follow all the other exciting ventures that I'll get up to for the remainder of 2016! 

Love from,
Florence Grace


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