Staying organised!

I literally juggle 1,000 tasks at once. My to do list very day seems to be endless, and yet somehow I nearly always manage to get everything done- if not on that day, then by the end of the week. Today I thought I'd share with you some top tips for helping to keep on top of work loads and to stay organised.

1) Know your limits. It's okay to take on huge amounts of work- if you can handle it. Start out with a small load of jobs, and if you feel you can take on more, add one task at a time until you feel you're approaching your limit. Always make sure you don't feel too much pressure/strain and are comfortable with the tasks you have to do. 

multitasking multitask multi-tasking

2) Keep more than one diary. That's right, more than one- one for work and one for your personal life. Alternatively, keep two diaries but write your personal and work in both. Then if you lose one, you have a back up and won't struggle. Either way, keep more than one diary! I have four

3) Write to-do lists. It helps you to remember what you have to do every day, and it is motivating to be able to cross things off of your list. It also helps you feel motivated to achieve more the following day when you look back at the end of a day and see just how much you've been able to achieve!

dog helpful chores to do list errands

4) Set aside time to look after yourself. You need to eat properly, have some down time to read or watch TV and have at least 8 hours sleep a night! (Okay, this isn't always possible, but try for 6 at least!). 

oprah bath relaxing bubble bath

5) Leave one day a week to take time off. That's right. Give yourself a day off. This will motivate you, particularly if you're taking on a trillion tasks in one day! You can make plans on your 'day off' that you can look forward to to help you get through the week. 

movies smile ferris buellers day off day off vacay

What tips do you have for staying organised? Let me know in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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