What makes you happy?

Have you ever just felt super content with life? Like, not everything is 100% perfect but for some reason you're just super happy anyway? I hope you all feel that way right now, because I definitely do! I don't know if its just the good weather automatically putting me in a good mood or if its because I have so many exciting things happening over the next few months but I'm just really happy right now!

Here's some things I've recently been happy about...

  • I had a good review at work and it's really motivated me to try harder, perform better and appreciate working there! 
  • I'm surrounded by so many fabulous people who lift me up, support me and love me- friends both old and new and my family as well. I've managed to cut off pretty much all the people who were bringing negativity to my life and it's a great feeling. 
  • The thought of going on holiday with my best friends in just over a month! I've never been on holiday with friends, and I've also never rented a house for holidays either, so I'm really excited and just know it's going to be a great week away!
  • I've been slimming down and losing weight slowly but steadily and know that with more hard work and patience, I'm going to get the body I have wanted for so long.
  • The thought of going back to college in September to become a qualified broadcast journalist/radio presenter. This is my dream job so to be able to become a professional with a 100% rate of employment at the end of the course is just...amazing!
  • The first birthday issue of my magazine coming out (which I think is the best issue yet and has had more pre orders and subscribers than ever before!) 
Of course there are things stressing me out too! Money issues (always), worrying about moving out (as per), stressing about my NCTJ Diploma on which I am way behind and getting enough sleep! However, I know these are all minor things compared to the worries some people I know have and so really, I should feel lucky!

Let me know which things have been making you smile/your life a little bit happier in the comments below! It's nice to share some positivity on a Monday!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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