I wanted to start a 'series' on my blog recently but had absolutely no inspiration as to what I could do. It wasn't until I whipped my laptop out this morning to write today's blog post and had one of my two fur babies flop across the keyboard, as per, in order to prevent me from writing that I had a lightbulb moment. I should do a cat series! 

I write about my cats quite often on Twitter and share images on my Instagram of them too. My sister (embarrassingly) made them their own Instagram account too, which has actually had pictures taken from for larger Instagram cat accounts! Of course, my series needed a name, and as it's Friday, Feline Friday just seemed to work! 

So here's the introductory post to the new series, FELINE FRIDAY. Today I shall introduce you to my two little fur babies, Doris and Elsie. 

They were born sometime around the end of June (not exactly sure, I shall have to check that with my sister!) and belonged to my mums friend, who had numerous cats. My mum had already been toying on and off with the idea of getting two kittens for a few years now, and when she found out her friend was willing to give these kittens to us as a gift, because she already had so many cats, it seemed like a "right place, right time" moment, and so we said yes! Elsie and Doris came home on the 26th August 2015, a week earlier than I expected and so I was very surprised to see them as I walked through my front door. 

They were tiny. They fitted in the palm of my hand and were just so cute! They were also impossible to tell apart...

The girls arrived at home!

However, despite looking the same, their personalities are very different and we began to be able to tell them apart almost straight away. Elsie was more playful, Doris more reserved and quiet. As they've gotten older, this hasn't changed. Doris is very "pathetic" we say haha, she likes to loll around in your arms, being cuddled and stroked and made a fuss of. Elsie is far more boisterous, running around, playing with her toy bunny in a similar way you'd play fetch with a puppy and hating to be picked up and cuddled for more than a few seconds!

They are desperate to get out of the house and play outside, but they haven't been spayed yet, and so we have to keep them inside! However, we did buy a little cat lead to experiment with- Doris is more sure of this than Elsie. Whilst she only likes to be outside for a few minutes, Elise will not tolerate the lead- or the outdoors- at all, despite spending the vast majority of her days staring wistfully out of the window!

I didn't realise it was possible to love anything as much as I love these two little kittens- I quite literally adore them! They're so sweet and loving and so clever too! They wait by the door for us to get home, they can hear my mum's car from half way down the road and always run to greet her, they cuddle us at night and dribble on us whilst they purr (which I like to think is affectionate!). They're truly part of our family now and I never thought I would say this but, I am a crazy cat lady! 

I'm hoping they will gain a sister in November, as I've asked for a Sphynx kitten for my 21st birthday...but I guess we shall have to wait and see about that! 

Now it's your turn! I know several blogger friends who have pet cats- I would love to feature them in my FELINE FRIDAY series! If you'd like to get involved, drop me an email at florencegrace13@gmail.com and we will sort something out! 

Love from,
Florence Grace

Like this? Why not try... 10 Reasons To Love Cats!


  1. Awwwww your cats are cute!



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