It's the small things...

Do you ever just have a really good day for absolutely no reason? It's just that lots of little, small things add up to make for a totally fabulous day?

Well, I had one of those days today! 

disneyzootopia  happy laughing joy sloth

I didn't do anything wild or remotely worthwhile, not really. I woke up earlier than I would have liked, reminiscing on the night out before, went to work for 6 hours and then went out for dinner with my girlfriends. Lovely, but nothing totally out of the ordinary. However, several small things happened today that really made me smile:

  • I managed to straighten my hair and have it stay straight all day.
  • My boss changed my 5 and a half hour shift to a 6 hour shift so I could have a break, as I hate shifts without  breaks as they tend to go a lot slower.
  • I was complimented on my outfit by a customer that I served. 
  • I saw an old friend from school who told me I "looked great". 
  • Everyone began to receive their copies of Love from... magazine and has said very lovely things and taken some excellent photos! 
  • Someone tweeted me to tell me I made her day when she received her copy of the magazine.
  • Best of all, a total stranger came into Topshop, recognised my face and asked if I wrote a blog, as she recently discovered me through Instagram (if you're reading this now, hello!). This was definitely the cherry on top of my day, it was so lovely to be complimented on my blog by someone who wasn't obliged to compliment my work (because obviously all of my friends are hehe). 

All of these little things, small, almost insignificant things all built up throughout the day and made it a truly lovely one. I have been left this evening feeling quite happy with life, and almost perfectly content. Whilst it's lovely for big, eventful things to happen to you and bring you happiness, we must not forget to appreciate the smaller things in life that also bring us just as much happiness, if not more! 

Have you had a good day today? Let me know one thing that's put a smile on your face in the comments below!

Love from,
Florence Grace

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  1. I love this post! So positive! You're right, it is all about the small things in life which can make a person feel contented and appreciative.




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