Being a brat.
This morning I was scrolling through my Twitter feed and once again came across several tweets posted from accounts like "Typical White Girl" and all the rest about being...well. Being brats.

It seems the latest ongoing trend throughout 2016 has been for girls to act like brats and expect to be perceived as cute for doing so. I find this idea completely and utterly bizarre! What is 'cute' about being a brat? Stamping your foot because you don't get your own way, throwing tantrums, behaving like nothing more than a toddler screaming in a supermarket because mummy won't buy you a chocolate bar! Why would any girl want to be perceived in this way- and why do they think anyone will believe that they're cute because of it!?

Of course, I'm not here to dictate how you should behave to attract a boy or whilst in a relationship- if you want to be a brat then you do you, sure! However I just can't get my head around such a bizarre idea. What girls are essentially asking for is to be allowed to be rude and nasty and still be treated like a princess in return. To me, that's not okay. You should both be nice to each other in any kind of relationship, be it friendly or romantic. One person shouldn't constantly be acting up whilst the other is left to continue adoring them regardless.

There's nothing cute about acting rude and selfish, not in my humble opinion anyway! And let me tell you, any guy that I was dating who acted like a brat would not continue to get special treatment from me- not at all! So I think for the remainder of this year, we should work on eradicating this now popular idea that acting like a brat is okay and cute. It's a weird idea that people need to forget about!
Love from,
Florence Grace
I really can't understand why acting like a brat is viewed acceptable! I've noticed this mentality towards toddlers - a lot of people tolerate tantrums from toddlers and young kids because they think that's normal, but it's always important for a parent to put their foot down!
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of people have entitlement complexes. I remember, in my first two years of university I lived with a group of girls and most of them were spoilt brats who loved to manipulate others in order to get their own way. Most of them would act like the world owed them a living, and as if everyone around them should kiss their arses! Absolutely pathetic behaviour. It's out of order and not acceptable at all, and I could never tolerate that (hence why we didn't get on.) However a lot of people I've met at university are spoilt brats, even people who are older than me - I had an acquaintance in her 30s who acted this way. I think acting like a spoilt brat is a very common trait in adults, and the reason why they are like that is because they were raised that way, so they are used to getting their own way.
It's not right though!
Haha I love how we share so many opinions! It's definitely got something to do with how they were raised, but also this weird "Tumblr" society sharing "quotes" about how it's cute to be a brat- it's definitely, definitely not!