Being proud of this generation

I can be a pretty emotional person when it comes to TV shows and movies. However, at the moment there's one advert that really gets to me and I well up every time for a totally inexplicable reason. Every time it comes on YouTube I actually refuse to skip it. I get goose bumps, my chest goes all tight and I become overcome with a weird emotion that I can't quite place. Here's the advert I'm talking about:


Weird, right?! I can't help it though! There's just something about it, from the choice of song to the clips included, I just get so emotional! I think it all actually boils down to one thing though, and that's pride. I have a huge sense of pride when I watch this video because I know I've helped to make these moments happen, I've shared them, retweeted them, watched them, laughed at them. I've used the hashtags to help find the dancing man, I've welled up over the Obama's dancing, I used the hashtag to show support for refugee's. I am immensely proud to be part of a generation that, whilst being so criticised for being so 'addicted' to social media, has managed to make so much history.

Thanks to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and everything else, this generation have created moments that no generation before us could have done. Despite still facing discrimination for certain subcultures and social groups, we are the most accepting generation of people so far. We are the most loving, the most creative, the most ambitious. We are criticised for the fact that we are glued to our screens and yet thanks to that very fact, we have been able to make so many magical moments happen- some of which will go down in history.

I watch that advert and I feel totally proud to be a part of the generation I am. I am proud to be an avid social media user. I am proud to use emoji's in totally bizarre ways to convey a feeling, a message. I am proud to contribute towards little pieces of history that will be looked back on one day, thanks to the use of hashtags and retweets.

By using social media, we make history happen. We should all be extremely proud.

Love from,
Florence Grace


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