Exactly one year and one day ago I pressed publish on my last YouTube video. I only made six videos and none of them were particularly spectacular, but for the short time that I was creating this content, I really enjoyed myself.

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my youngest sister about how much I missed performing on stage. When I was younger, I played a variety of instruments and performed at numerous locations, both in competitions and for fun, playing music for crowds that varied from being as small as the school hall to as large as the Royal Albert Hall. The feeling performing gave me was unlike anything else.

When I did my TV  presenting work and whilst I was a radio presenter, I had that same feeling, and so naturally I came to the conclusion that I just love giving something back to a large audience- playing them songs, performing or simply just chatting. I love it all. And whilst writing is my true love, presenting/performing comes a pretty close second.

So after this conversation, I got to thinking and I have reached a very exciting decision.

I am going to restart my YouTube channel!

Yep, on top of all the million and one other things that I do, I'm going to try and cram in YouTube too! I'd love to say the videos would be weekly but I would hate to make promises that I just can't keep, so I'm just going to try and keep them as regular as possible. I have a day off tomorrow and no siblings home, which is a rarity, so I'm going to get some filming done then.

Whilst I do have some videos in mind that I know I'm going to film, my question to you guys is this; what videos do you want to see from me? If you could let me know in the comments below, that would be really great- I'd much rather give you guys videos you want to see rather than forcing unwanted content down your throat, especially when (for me) YouTube is about 10 x more time consuming than blogging!

I'm really looking forward to getting back in front of the camera and I hope you guys will enjoy the videos I make!

Love from,
Florence Grace


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